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Everything posted by GODSABOMINATION

  1. Right now im watching it on g4 an they were showing aliens colonial
  2. This isnt new news ... An they havent showed anything yet
  3. Light rifle def is nothing near rail gun it looks like a forerunner dmr... Iam over here at e3
  4. I dont think its a kill cam but a modified death cam from reach i say reach bcus i remember seeing this in previous halo games i.e halo 3 , 2 , 1 .. If u paid close attn in reach when someone killed you it showed where it was from or the area u was killed from for a short second... Maybe they took that an made it so that you can choose to watch the " death cam" or maybe they updated it from reach an it shows the person who killed you Where they going... Me personally i would love to noscope someone from across the map an to know in my head " yea he saw that"! Itll bring alot of bragging rights
  5. I like the changes being that i played it in nyc an about to play over here in. LA = e3 it really feels like halo to me its halo 3 with reach playstyle/ graphics....
  6. So many cool ppl out here in L.A e3 cant take any longer!!!!!!

    1. Spectral Jester

      Spectral Jester

      I'm excited for you



      @ jester thanks alot i really appreciate it

  7. Thanks for the reply you guys btw i think it was great gameplay jus not recorded so good! I believe in 343 even more! Il keep you guys posted on 343 updates while im here waiting for e3
  8. Yes i work two jobs an go to school i cant get on as much as others.. But im def going to try an get all the preorder bonuses!
  9. I know its real i hope lol... But does anyone know where the video game from?
  10. Getting ready to head to L.A for e3 getting there early!!!! :D

  11. I agree with you trevor! What do u think about it? I really dont care im a halo fan itll take some getting used to but who cares about what changes were made! The game will still be a good game!
  12. I never stated that halo cant suck! There jus havent been a halo to be bad! I have 100% faith that they know what they are doing with halo 4! What makes no sense is how your saying half of the community frowns upon the reveals they gave! Like you really know what half of the community wants.Noone will ever be happy with games bcus theyre not getting what they want! Everyone basically liked halo 3 an that was a major change from h1-h2. If it irratates you so much why comment or view them? At least we are somewhat on the same page! I have 100% faith they know what they are doing! I never not once said that halo 4 will be the greatest ever cause thats obnoxious... I didnt find halo reach a horrible game i really enjoyed all the loadouts etc etc!!!! I think that in halo 4 itll give those loadouts the balance it needs that ppl complained about in reach! Weapon an armor skins for halo in my opinion are cool it doesnt change gameplay nor affect it! I know my limited edition is reserved! It happens to alot of ppl i didnt see yours if it was posted before mine so my apologys
  13. Lol i have to play the game in order for me to have faith an to like how it turns out? 343 knows what they are doing i can understand if they added prone but thats not the case.
  14. Im a bit confused why if this is a halo 4 thread theres " halo 4 copying cod " threads! Every game know an days has the same things implemented in it jus diff to fit that game style! This forum went from being about halo 4 To it copying other games! W.e happen to the real fans who doesnt care about the change an cares bcus they love halo! I for one have 100% faith in 343!
  15. IT GETS SOO ANNOYING PPL THINKING THAT HALO IS COPYING COD if u feel that way dont get the game point blank! Ur 65$ wont hurt! Every game know an days are going to have something implemented from other games jus in there own way! Get over it halo is not copying cod! Im 100% sure if ppl are " halo fans " like they claim they are theyll still get it!
  16. PPL COMPLAINED ABOUT REACH AFTER HITTING INHERITOR UHAVE THOSE CREDITS YOU CAN DO NOTHING WITH! With these additions we have more of a reason to play in my opinion im actually lookin foward to playing it not worryed about whats this or that! What i dont like is that they used regular camos like other games which in my opinion isnt bad but for it being halo i wouldve loved to see halo style skins!
  17. Can anyone post the editions an skins tht comes with the reserve... ? All stores except gamestop bcus i work there
  18. Everyone needs to suck up the change they made with halo 4 its 2012 it should be expected to change everyone wants it a certain way! Its done big deal i can guarentee everyone saying there not getting it bcus its " like cod" already has preoredered it!
  19. On the tactical pic the awareness is when your getting shot itll make you more aware of where your getting shot from... The auto mated turret states - an automated turret Which can be deployed to defend its user or command a hoy battlefield checkpoint! Not to sure about " hoy" but what this is basically u can put the turret somewhere ( obviously checkpoint w.e that is ) an basically itll kill whoever goes to that place CONFIRMED!
  20. I like what there doing with h4 its competative in my opinion! Btw theres a sword in the last pic if u look closely near where the yellow ordinace is i know it was already confirmed..
  21. Does anyone know 100% will have some type of destructible scenary ? If its been confirmed plz post where it was stated?
  22. I think mlg should be an automatic playlist like in h3 an reach! Def 1v1 2v2 An for a change maybe even 3v3?
  23. The Halo 4 Railgun Halo 4’s arsenal includes numerous weapons, some of which you’re familiar with, and others of which you are not. One of the all-new aforementioned items you’ll have at your disposal in Halo 4 is the Railgun. Manufactured by Acheron Security, its official designation is the Asymmetric Recoilless Carbine-920. The ARC-920 Railgun is a compact-channel linear accelerator that fires a high-explosive round at incredible speed, delivering both kinetic and explosive force to hard and soft targets alike. (Insert discreet cough here.) Before we go any further, I must ask you to raise your right hand and repeat after me: “I, (insert your super 1337 gamertag here), solemnly swear to remember that the following information is not only subject to change, but in all likelihood will change before the game ships. I will also remember that when one of the below details does change, I will not be angry at bs angel, or send her angry messages. And that goes for as long as we both shall live.” Now that the formalities are out of the way, let’s chat about the current iteration of the Railgun. To give you a reference point, we’ll compare it to the Spartan Laser. Like the Spartan Laser, the Railgun has to be charged before firing. There are appropriate (and awesome) audio cues when that’s happening. The Railgun’s charge time feels like approximately half of the Laser’s. One of the more notable differences between the Railgun and the Laser is the Railgun does not have a zoom function. While I initially saw that as a negative, it turned into a positive because the lack of a zoom function eliminates those moments when you’re making an adjustment, someone shoots you and pulls you out of zoom, and you end up overcorrecting and missing your target. The Railgun offers more of a static experience where the corrections you’re making, whether someone is shooting you or not, are going to be the same. If you move left, the reticle is going to stay to the left. If you move right, the reticle is going to stay to the right. Ultimately, it lets you muscle your way through taking fire, allowing you to be clutch with a one-hit kill weapon. The Railgun does not do as much vehicle damage as the Laser, but strategically placed shots are able to change a vehicle’s force and direction. When its projectile hits a vehicle, it has the potential to send it flying, rolling, or perhaps even off a cliff because of the kinetic energy (similar to repeatedly hitting a Warthog with a Brute Shot). Once the Railgun has been fired, it feels instantaneous; the moving projectile doesn’t feel like it has a lot of travel time (think Rocket Launcher vs. Laser). Overall, in its current iteration, it’s considered a power weapon as it is super lethal and deadly accurate. When the game ships, though, it may end up shooting marshmallows. Marshmallows of death, doom, and destruction, but marshmallows all the same.
  24. NO! NO! NO! What game doesnt have weapon skins, sprint, etc etc... Every new game coming out has those implemented some how. In halo 4 Itll be its own way if your a fan ( speaking in general ) then youll still play it an not worry that its " like any other game" i know for a fact that it will not be like cod I totaly agree with you %1000000 btw what is your op?
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