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Everything posted by GODSABOMINATION

  1. Like i said i jus found it an wanted input! Thanks
  2. http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/8479/halo4leak.jpg
  3. After looking around i found this pic it looks photoshopped but then again ive never photoshop before? Wht do u think ?
  4. First video is on youtube search for halo a to z youll see a pic of frank oconnor second was in the 343 sparkcast.Check out my post tht says 343 talks a lil halo4 ull see the article there!
  5. Well we all now that zanzibar was remade three times halo 2 , halo pc , an halo 3 in one of frank oconnors interviews tht i posted but was deleted an posted by someone else. He states zanzibar was remade three times no Four times" he then goes on about the map an how awsome it is an says " that the center piece is the halfway way point of the map "but he thinks the c wall is an u can find him trynna get a ghost"! Also in other research they mention tht halo 4 ibasically done an there happy with how it came out 2 - 2 together their testing h4 out an they played on zanzibar!
  6. I dont think armor abilities should not return! I liked the old halo ways lol but if 343 adds them i wont be mad bcus they now what they are doing! An besides frank o connor sAid they wanted to make it original or something like tht! Although in halo 3 the shield drainer bubble shield were pretty cool assets! I didnt like reach before but now im playing it alot more!
  7. I think as a die hard halo fan an with 343 making halo 4 i feel it should be great i trust them alot! Im hoping tht in halo 4 when theres multiple accounts there should be there own pause menu similar to cod! What are your opinions?
  8. 1) Predict the story line of the Campaign.- master chief is trying to figure out his past,an through this he encounters the covinant , flood , forerunners/ precursors! I def think the gravemind will have to be killed! 2) Predict the enemy, or enemies that you will encounter.- forerunners/precursors, flood, covinant, Yanme( green buggers) 3) Predict the human and/or non human friendlies, if any, you think will either fight along side the Master Chief.- usnc smarter marines an odst, def master chiefs squad an maybe a human form of cortana! 4) Predict Cortana's type of break down and whether or not she survives. I say she dies midway leaving master chief an one or two survivors! Maybe from his squad! 5) Predict the outcome of the Halo 4 campaign.- it will end in master chief with who ever survives heading to a halo ring to destroy it! MATCHMAKING 1) Predict the weapons that will be available.-Def the BR its a fact!!!, Assault rifle, pistol, sniper , lock on rockets! 2) Predict the Armors that will be available.- of course mark IV, mark 3, 2 , an 1! 3) Predict the ranking system that will be used.-i think the system they used in halo 2 an halo 3! 4) Predict types of maps that we will fight on (Example: Urban, Jungle, Forest, Water, Space) and offer a brief description of each.- CONFIRMED zanzibar, maybe remastered lockout, i think its going to be halo ce-reach remade maps not all but community favorites! 5) Predict the style of Firefight, if it continues, that will be available.- def the flood an maybe the sentinels will be added to firefight! Also u can play as them! 6) Predict the Forge environments (base maps), forge materials (structures, objects, environmental elements) and what game types will be able to be forged.- CONFIRMED FACTS! Forge 2.0 is amazing! Not sure if its forge 2.0 lol!
  9. Im not 100% sure about the beta coming out in may but i now there will be one. Also i now the map zanzibar is being remade for halo 4 the battle rifle will def return.. An theres a possibilty tht h4 will be the maps from previous halo games
  10. I already posted this but in the reach forum halo a-z
  11. Thank you everyone for all ur comments an views i really appreciate that stay tuned bcus i will def post more if it doesnt get put before me
  12. Shoot! I didnt see it anywhere thanks for the comment its good to now theres cool ppl in the world. Altho im not to sure wht u meant by i sniped it?
  13. Sorry if this was posted somewhere but after doig some research i saw this click this link an tell me what u think? 343 Industries: Halo 4 will "re-inject some new life" into Halo multiplayer Posted 01/19/2012 at 11:41am | by RYAN MCCAFFREY Waking up and realizing that it's 2012 — or in Master Chief's case, 2553 — is a joyous occasion if for no other reason than it means one thing: Halo 4 will be out this year. We sat down with 343 Industries Franchise Development Director Frank O'Connor to get an update. On how much focus Halo: CE Anniversary took away from Halo 4: “Out of 200-plus people working at our studio, roughly 200 are working on Halo 4.” On whether they will collaborate again with Certain Affinity, the studio founded by former Halo 2 lead multiplayer designer Max Hoberman: “Certain Affinity will absolutely be working with us again. They’re a part of our family.” Clarifying whether or not that means Certain Affinity will be doing multiplayer maps forHalo 4: “We are definitely building Halo 4 multiplayer stuff in-house, [but] would we consider working with [them] on that stuff? Of course. They’ve done some of the best maps for everything since Halo 2.” On whether or not they’ve been fighting an uphill battle with fans simply because they’re not Bungie: “When people see what we’ve been able to achieve technologically, and how both careful and ambitious we’ve been with the gameplay — those things sound contradictory but they’re not — I think they’ll become more and more confident [in us].” On whether or not any of the new engine technology from Anniversary will make its way into Halo 4: “The technology in Halo: CE Anniversary is really cool, but it has nothing to do with the technology that [the Halo 4 team] is working on.” On just how different Halo 4 will be from Bungie’s games: “The core of what’s going to make Halo 4 great is some of the universe building and gameplay creation that Bungie seeded way back in Halo: CE.” On where changes might be most visible: “Now is the time when we really need to do something fresh and new and re-inject some new life…at least in multiplayer.” On how lost you’ll be, storywise, if you play Halo 4 without having ever played Halobefore: “If Halo 4 is your first [Halo] game, that’s fine — don’t worry about it.” I have added the actual page from XBOX Magazine for you. Great find! Absolute Dog
  14. No offense but i really dont think theres a twelve terminal however i appreciate this video alot bcus u clarified that there was something if there was! I think wake up john is just from the h4 trailer.. Ill look more into this vid thanks Alot for it!
  15. Halo ce: some maps cant remember the name but there are some cool maps that didnt make it till the future halos. Halo2: ranks ( not ranking system ) also the whole clan thing i loved how u can have clan matches. Halo3: duel wielding from h2 n h3. Not to sure what i would want from h3 yet. Im going to leave h4 in 343s hands i have alot of faith in them an for frank oconnors gift to us im almost done with my 343i frankoconnor tattoo
  16. Lol yea thats what i said ... But the thing is he thinks i sent him the messages. An it was the person who hacked it LOL!! but yea anyways im an eclipse iam looking for ppl to play with im no try hard jus like to play for fun. If anyone is or wants to my gt is GODSABOMINATION jus send me a message
  17. Gamertag is >gamertag removed<.. Thats the booster
  18. Ok so someone hacked my account an added ppl an sent ppl messages an then one guy posted that convo on the forums! An ppl were talking about me... Theyre boosting in halo reach btw!
  19. I actually wouldnt mind this.. Gives some true halo fans that cant enjoy multiplayer a chance to exp what we can... Also for those who do really good they can try some challenges on legendary..
  20. Im an eclipse with probably half way from nova
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