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Everything posted by Adam91

  1. As this years E3 edges closer speculations continue to loom, but as we speculate and hope for what we want to see here are the schedules of some of the major E3 conference to give you a heads up for when to tune in. Bethesda June 14th - 7pm PT/10pm ET Microsoft June 15 - 9:30am PT/12:30pm ET EA June 15 - 1pm PT / 4pm ET Ubisoft June 15 - 3pm PT / 6pm ET Sony June 15 - 6pm PT / 9pm ET Nintendo June 16 - 9am PT/ 12pm ET Square Enix June 16 - 10am PT/ 1pm ET PC Gaming Show June 16 - 5pm PT/8pm ET Bethesda's will be holding their first ever E3 conference so what will they have in store for us? Many fans are speculating an announcement of a new Fallout game. As for Unbisoft many fans were disappointed to hear that one of their upcoming games "Tom Clancy's The Division" has been delayed until 2016, but a possible reveal may keep fans satisfied for a while as they wait. At least Rainbow Six Siege seems to be on track for a 2015 release. Microsoft announced they have a big show planned this year as Halo 5: Guardians release is on the horizon. It's a safe bet Halo fans will get a ton of new info to dwell on as they wait to jump into the boots of Master Chief's and the new Character Agent Locke in Just 5 months. Gears of War fans will possibly get to see a reveal of the upcoming remake of the first Gears of War game and also may be treated to something from the next brand new installment to the franchise. Fans of space exploration will surely be excited to see something from Hello Games upcoming title "No Man's Sky", the new title allows players to explore the universe and discover planets as they fly through the cosmos. With the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the release of the first PlayStation console Sony may have something special planned, but we can only find out what they are up to when they host their E3 show. What are you excited for/hoping to see at this years E3? Source: IGN View full article
  2. As this years E3 edges closer speculations continue to loom, but as we speculate and hope for what we want to see here are the schedules of some of the major E3 conference to give you a heads up for when to tune in. Bethesda June 14th - 7pm PT/10pm ET Microsoft June 15 - 9:30am PT/12:30pm ET EA June 15 - 1pm PT / 4pm ET Ubisoft June 15 - 3pm PT / 6pm ET Sony June 15 - 6pm PT / 9pm ET Nintendo June 16 - 9am PT/ 12pm ET Square Enix June 16 - 10am PT/ 1pm ET PC Gaming Show June 16 - 5pm PT/8pm ET Bethesda's will be holding their first ever E3 conference so what will they have in store for us? Many fans are speculating an announcement of a new Fallout game. As for Unbisoft many fans were disappointed to hear that one of their upcoming games "Tom Clancy's The Division" has been delayed until 2016, but a possible reveal may keep fans satisfied for a while as they wait. At least Rainbow Six Siege seems to be on track for a 2015 release. Microsoft announced they have a big show planned this year as Halo 5: Guardians release is on the horizon. It's a safe bet Halo fans will get a ton of new info to dwell on as they wait to jump into the boots of Master Chief's and the new Character Agent Locke in Just 5 months. Gears of War fans will possibly get to see a reveal of the upcoming remake of the first Gears of War game and also may be treated to something from the next brand new installment to the franchise. Fans of space exploration will surely be excited to see something from Hello Games upcoming title "No Man's Sky", the new title allows players to explore the universe and discover planets as they fly through the cosmos. With the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the release of the first PlayStation console Sony may have something special planned, but we can only find out what they are up to when they host their E3 show. What are you excited for/hoping to see at this years E3? Source: IGN
  3. Adam91


    From the album: News Group Images

  4. A strange website has popped up called view.engage.xbox.com that has something to do with Halo 5: Guardians and the Hunt the Truth marketing campaign. The site presents a starry image of space with the words "The Hunt Continues" at the top. At the bottom of the image is says "April 25-28. Worldwide". It seems something interesting is going to happen as Microsoft/343 Industries appears to have something planned for the next few days. But what could it be? More activity come from the Hunt the Truth tumblr page? A trailer or gameplay video? Who knows. When looking the image it doesn't seem to show anything of any significance other than the words "Benjamin, hunt the truth" can be seen if you close enough. But if you move your cursor across the image some areas can clicked bringing up some images. https://rapidxbx.blob.core.windows.net/h5ot/005-01342ba379894c80a9946faf94eda360 https://rapidxbx.blob.core.windows.net/h5ot/063-7a8ae4a2bfde4183934adcbfc5bea8c1 https://rapidxbx.blob.core.windows.net/h5ot/027-7ce6d54331564aa1a50b90bcdb0392b6 One image shows something that resembles a marble like surface. Another image shows what appears to be something that looks like the side of a cliff or the inside of a cave. The last image shows a metallic object, possibly a piece of armor or a part of a vehicle? So what does all this mean? What is going to happen between now and April 28th? Let us know your thoughts on this. View full article
  5. A strange website has popped up called view.engage.xbox.com that has something to do with Halo 5: Guardians and the Hunt the Truth marketing campaign. The site presents a starry image of space with the words "The Hunt Continues" at the top. At the bottom of the image is says "April 25-28. Worldwide". It seems something interesting is going to happen as Microsoft/343 Industries appears to have something planned for the next few days. But what could it be? More activity come from the Hunt the Truth tumblr page? A trailer or gameplay video? Who knows. When looking the image it doesn't seem to show anything of any significance other than the words "Benjamin, hunt the truth" can be seen if you close enough. But if you move your cursor across the image some areas can clicked bringing up some images. https://rapidxbx.blob.core.windows.net/h5ot/005-01342ba379894c80a9946faf94eda360 https://rapidxbx.blob.core.windows.net/h5ot/063-7a8ae4a2bfde4183934adcbfc5bea8c1 https://rapidxbx.blob.core.windows.net/h5ot/027-7ce6d54331564aa1a50b90bcdb0392b6 One image shows something that resembles a marble like surface. Another image shows what appears to be something that looks like the side of a cliff or the inside of a cave. The last image shows a metallic object, possibly a piece of armor or a part of a vehicle? So what does all this mean? What is going to happen between now and April 28th? Let us know your thoughts on this.
  6. Adam91


    From the album: News Group Images

  7. Want to have your voice on Hunt the Truth? Find out how here http://343i.org/2w4

  8. According to and (unable to find official sources at the moment)Halo fans have the chance to become an official part of the Halo universe as they are given the chance for their voice to be included in Halo 5's Hunt the Truth. Fans and followers of Benjamin Giraud's investigation into the Master Chief can be part of the series as it appears 343 Industries are giving people a change to submit an audio clip of their voice to Hunt the Truth's Tumblr page. Those who get accepted will have their voice heard in a future episode. The announcement came earlier today. "We know that you're a huge Halo fan- and we love it! For this part, though, you'll need to put yourself in the mindset of an ordinary UEG citizen. That means you're as in the dark as Ben is about the truth behind the Master Chief and his origins." Three choices on what participants can theme their recording around was also given out. THE PART YOU'LL PLAY There are three character types that these messages will roughly fit into: 1- People who support Ben in his hunt They also have questions about the Master Chief, ONI, and what the government is trying to hide. Don't forget, though, that because these people live in the Halo universe, they've never played a Halo game or read a Halo book; so they can really only be curious and guess what Ben has mentioned. 2- People who LOVE the Master Chief and don't appreciate Ben poking around The Halo universe can be a scary place - and the MC has been the only thing keeping us safe on more than one occasion. Fear can be a powerful motivator. It can make us blind to the truth; to curiously. These people don't appreciate Ben poking around and angrily perceive his inquiries as disrespectful. The MC is a hero and it doesn't matter where he came from. 3- People reveling in the anarchy Whether it's because they don't trust the government, they're fatalistic, or they think Ben and his investigation is a joke- these people aren't impressed by Ben or curious about the Chief. They are interested, however, in pushing Ben's buttons and yanking his crank. They leave pranks, taunts, and mocking messages. Voice recordings must be 15 - 20 seconds long. You can upload it as a Youtube video but make sure it is uploaded as "Unlisted", you can also upload it to SoundCloud but make sure to make it private. Once you've recorded your voice provide a link to ir in the submission box on the Tumblr site (linked above) so it can be downloaded, also make sure to leave a message saying "Greenskull sent sent" or "Halo Follow sent me". Submissions close at 11:59pm Pacific Time on April 27th. There is no script so try and think something creative to say. Again I just want to point out there is no official announcement from 343 Industries or Microsoft regarding this, so it seems they have contacted the likes of RUL and Halo Follower for them to announce it to the community. Will you be making a submission? If so good luck.
  9. According to and (unable to find official sources at the moment)Halo fans have the chance to become an official part of the Halo universe as they are given the chance for their voice to be included in Halo 5's Hunt the Truth. Fans and followers of Benjamin Giraud's investigation into the Master Chief can be part of the series as it appears 343 Industries are giving people a change to submit an audio clip of their voice to Hunt the Truth's Tumblr page. Those who get accepted will have their voice heard in a future episode. The announcement came earlier today. "We know that you're a huge Halo fan- and we love it! For this part, though, you'll need to put yourself in the mindset of an ordinary UEG citizen. That means you're as in the dark as Ben is about the truth behind the Master Chief and his origins." Three choices on what participants can theme their recording around was also given out. THE PART YOU'LL PLAY There are three character types that these messages will roughly fit into: 1- People who support Ben in his hunt They also have questions about the Master Chief, ONI, and what the government is trying to hide. Don't forget, though, that because these people live in the Halo universe, they've never played a Halo game or read a Halo book; so they can really only be curious and guess what Ben has mentioned. 2- People who LOVE the Master Chief and don't appreciate Ben poking around The Halo universe can be a scary place - and the MC has been the only thing keeping us safe on more than one occasion. Fear can be a powerful motivator. It can make us blind to the truth; to curiously. These people don't appreciate Ben poking around and angrily perceive his inquiries as disrespectful. The MC is a hero and it doesn't matter where he came from. 3- People reveling in the anarchy Whether it's because they don't trust the government, they're fatalistic, or they think Ben and his investigation is a joke- these people aren't impressed by Ben or curious about the Chief. They are interested, however, in pushing Ben's buttons and yanking his crank. They leave pranks, taunts, and mocking messages. Voice recordings must be 15 - 20 seconds long. You can upload it as a Youtube video but make sure it is uploaded as "Unlisted", you can also upload it to SoundCloud but make sure to make it private. Once you've recorded your voice provide a link to ir in the submission box on the Tumblr site (linked above) so it can be downloaded, also make sure to leave a message saying "Greenskull sent sent" or "Halo Follow sent me". Submissions close at 11:59pm Pacific Time on April 27th. There is no script so try and think something creative to say. Again I just want to point out there is no official announcement from 343 Industries or Microsoft regarding this, so it seems they have contacted the likes of RUL and Halo Follower for them to announce it to the community. Will you be making a submission? If so good luck. View full article
  10. Adam91


    From the album: News Group Images

  11. Games with Gold - April 2015 http://343i.org/2t4

  12. Games with Gold for April has been announced on Major Nelson's blog and there seems to be a decent line up for next month. Next month Xbox Live Gold members can get their hands on a total of six games rather than the usual 3-4 games. So lets see what Gold members will be getting in April. For the Xbox One Gold users can get Pool Nation FX and Child of Light for free all month long in April. For the Xbox 360 Gold members can download Terraria and Gears of War Judgment from April 1st through April 15th. Then from April 16th Assassins Creed IV Black Flag and Army of Two Devil's Cartel and they will be available to download for free for the remainder of the month. This Games with Gold offers good amount of games for free and a decent selection. Leave a comment below and tell us what you think of April's Games with Gold offers.
  13. Games with Gold for April has been announced on Major Nelson's blog and there seems to be a decent line up for next month. Next month Xbox Live Gold members can get their hands on a total of six games rather than the usual 3-4 games. So lets see what Gold members will be getting in April. For the Xbox One Gold users can get Pool Nation FX and Child of Light for free all month long in April. For the Xbox 360 Gold members can download Terraria and Gears of War Judgment from April 1st through April 15th. Then from April 16th Assassins Creed IV Black Flag and Army of Two Devil's Cartel and they will be available to download for free for the remainder of the month. This Games with Gold offers good amount of games for free and a decent selection. Leave a comment below and tell us what you think of April's Games with Gold offers. View full article
  14. Adam91


    From the album: News Group Images

  15. Halo 5 Live Action Trailer coming this Sunday http://343i.org/2sx

  16. According to IGN Microsoft announced that they will be revealing a Halo 5 live action trailer this Sunday, the trailer can be watched on xbox.com. A number of weeks ago, a leaked image that appeared to be from a Halo live action trailer surfaced showing a battered Chief laying at the foot of a war monument with what appears to be Agent Locke standing in front of him. That leaked imaged raised speculation that it could be part of a possible upcoming live action trailer, and the live action trailer that will show at the end of this week could be it. Although 343 Industries and Microsoft didn't make comment on the image and it could be a scrapped scene from the trailer for all we know. Apparently the trailer is set to add more elements to the Hunt The Truth marketing campaign for Halo 5. Last night when the countdown hit zero on the teaser site viewers were introduced to audio clips from a war journalist called "Benjamin Giraud" from within the Halo Universe. Benjamin is investigating the origins of the Master Chief and his involvement in the wars saving humanity. Followers of the site will be getting an audio clip from the journalist every week, as revealed on the teaser site, and it will last up until E3 according to IGN. These audio clips will follow Benjamin's investigation and will delve deeper into his investigation each week. What are your thoughts on the trailer coming this Sunday? How will it relate to the teaser site? Leave a comment on your thoughts below.
  17. According to IGN Microsoft announced that they will be revealing a Halo 5 live action trailer this Sunday, the trailer can be watched on xbox.com. A number of weeks ago, a leaked image that appeared to be from a Halo live action trailer surfaced showing a battered Chief laying at the foot of a war monument with what appears to be Agent Locke standing in front of him. That leaked imaged raised speculation that it could be part of a possible upcoming live action trailer, and the live action trailer that will show at the end of this week could be it. Although 343 Industries and Microsoft didn't make comment on the image and it could be a scrapped scene from the trailer for all we know. Apparently the trailer is set to add more elements to the Hunt The Truth marketing campaign for Halo 5. Last night when the countdown hit zero on the teaser site viewers were introduced to audio clips from a war journalist called "Benjamin Giraud" from within the Halo Universe. Benjamin is investigating the origins of the Master Chief and his involvement in the wars saving humanity. Followers of the site will be getting an audio clip from the journalist every week, as revealed on the teaser site, and it will last up until E3 according to IGN. These audio clips will follow Benjamin's investigation and will delve deeper into his investigation each week. What are your thoughts on the trailer coming this Sunday? How will it relate to the teaser site? Leave a comment on your thoughts below. View full article
  18. What's the anniversary version of Halo 2's Metropole soundtrack?

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Are you talking about the one that plays during the part with Wraiths? If so, Kilindini Harbor.

  19. 343 Industries has announced that four new Halo books will be releasing this year and one of them will have an old familiar name on the cover. *Image from Halo Waypoint An announcement on Halo Waypoint revealed that fans of Halo lore will be getting four new books this year along with release dates. This year will see a five Halo novels in total as the latest one "Halo: New Blood" released earlier this month on March 2nd. The first of the four up coming books is Halo: Hunters in the Dark by Peter David, it is a full length novel and it will bd released on June 16th, 2015. Halo: Saint's Testimony by 343 Industries Franchise Development Director Frank O'Connor will be next in line, this book is a digital single and it will be available on July 27th, 2015. Halo: Last Light by Troy Denning will also be a full length novel and it will release on September 7th, 2015 Halo: Shadow of Intent by Joseph Staten (author of Halo: Contact Harvest and cinematic director for Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2 and Halo 3) who will be returning to bring us more Halo lore in this digital novella, release date will be December 7, 2015. So there will be a lot of new installments to the Halo universe this year, will you be picking any of the new books up? Thanks to UNSC Spartan II for bringing the news. View full article
  20. 343 Industries has announced that four new Halo books will be releasing this year and one of them will have an old familiar name on the cover. *Image from Halo Waypoint An announcement on Halo Waypoint revealed that fans of Halo lore will be getting four new books this year along with release dates. This year will see a five Halo novels in total as the latest one "Halo: New Blood" released earlier this month on March 2nd. The first of the four up coming books is Halo: Hunters in the Dark by Peter David, it is a full length novel and it will bd released on June 16th, 2015. Halo: Saint's Testimony by 343 Industries Franchise Development Director Frank O'Connor will be next in line, this book is a digital single and it will be available on July 27th, 2015. Halo: Last Light by Troy Denning will also be a full length novel and it will release on September 7th, 2015 Halo: Shadow of Intent by Joseph Staten (author of Halo: Contact Harvest and cinematic director for Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2 and Halo 3) who will be returning to bring us more Halo lore in this digital novella, release date will be December 7, 2015. So there will be a lot of new installments to the Halo universe this year, will you be picking any of the new books up? Thanks to UNSC Spartan II for bringing the news.
  21. A group of fans have remade the Halo: Combat Evolved campaign level "The Silent Cartographer" from the ground up for PC version of the game. One of Halo's most popular and well known campaign levels "The Silent Cartographer" has been rebuilt from scratch by a group of very dedicated fans. The remastering of the map took three years to build and features enhanced graphics over the original and comes with a list of new features such as: Brute enemies. New paths and routes. Custom Content New Mechanics such as hijacking. Weapons such as the Battle Rifle, Covenant Carbine, Brute Shot and more. Have a look at The Silent Cartographer: Evolved trailer. You can download the map here So what do you think of this enhanced version of The Silent Cartographer? Will you be downloading it if you have the PC version of Halo: Combat Evolved? Source: Kotaku
  22. Microsoft's upcoming Windows 10 operating system and Xbox One will have cross-platform capabilities along with other features. Xbox Head Phil Spencer unveiled their plans to intergrate Windows 10 and Xbox One for cross-platform gaming yesterday morning at the Game Developers Conference. User's on Xbox One and Windows 10 can now look forward to playing along side or against each other as Microsoft will be implementing this feature in the near future. "Now, we are also bringing that same focus, passion, and commitment to gaming on Windows 10, enhancing the PC games and gaming devices you already love, including the Xbox One. We’ve listened and learned from our past efforts in PC gaming and I am excited about what the future holds.” Spencer Said. Back in January Microsoft revealed that Fable Legends will be coming to Windows 10, which will release the same day as the Xbox One version. Fable fans playing on Windows 10 can enjoy cross-platform experience with Xbox One users using the Xbox One app, and it will be just one of many gaming franchise from Microsoft studios and other developers that will feature Xbox One/Windows 10 cross-platforming using the built-in Xbox app. Other features that will come with this is having the ability to stream your Xbox One games over a home network on to your Windows 10 computer and other devices such as tablets. This means Xbox One users can play their games on another Windows 10 devices. Xbox One's game DVR feature will also be accessible on Windows 10 PC's. Microsoft will also be expanding their ID@Xbox program over to Windows 10, developers will then be able publish their games on the new operating system as well as Xbox One allowing their games to have cross-platform accessibility. To watch the full briefing from Microsoft click here, also let us know what you think about Microsoft's announcement. Source: EuroGamer, Xbox Wire View full article
  23. Microsoft's upcoming Windows 10 operating system and Xbox One will have cross-platform capabilities along with other features. Xbox Head Phil Spencer unveiled their plans to intergrate Windows 10 and Xbox One for cross-platform gaming yesterday morning at the Game Developers Conference. User's on Xbox One and Windows 10 can now look forward to playing along side or against each other as Microsoft will be implementing this feature in the near future. "Now, we are also bringing that same focus, passion, and commitment to gaming on Windows 10, enhancing the PC games and gaming devices you already love, including the Xbox One. We’ve listened and learned from our past efforts in PC gaming and I am excited about what the future holds.” Spencer Said. Back in January Microsoft revealed that Fable Legends will be coming to Windows 10, which will release the same day as the Xbox One version. Fable fans playing on Windows 10 can enjoy cross-platform experience with Xbox One users using the Xbox One app, and it will be just one of many gaming franchise from Microsoft studios and other developers that will feature Xbox One/Windows 10 cross-platforming using the built-in Xbox app. Other features that will come with this is having the ability to stream your Xbox One games over a home network on to your Windows 10 computer and other devices such as tablets. This means Xbox One users can play their games on another Windows 10 devices. Xbox One's game DVR feature will also be accessible on Windows 10 PC's. Microsoft will also be expanding their ID@Xbox program over to Windows 10, developers will then be able publish their games on the new operating system as well as Xbox One allowing their games to have cross-platform accessibility. To watch the full briefing from Microsoft click here, also let us know what you think about Microsoft's announcement. Source: EuroGamer, Xbox Wire
  24. Thank you Fishy this means a lot. I'm glad to hear my contribution to the forum has made you happy in any way. I know I've been going MIA quite a lot lately but I'm going to get back into the swing of things again and also interact with the members more. This year will also mark my 4th year on the site and 3rd year on news group, the time sure has flown by. Oh and I've been thinking about the challenges also and I hope to get another one out soon, maybe do a really difficult one and give the winner a golden shamrock or clover. Anyway thanks again Fishy I'm honored to be mentioned. I thought the same as Twinreaper and feared this was a goodbye thread.
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