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Everything posted by Adam91

  1. Guys we need your help to solve todays puzzle from destiny's ARG. We need as much people on here as possible to go to this here. Rearrange the diamonds to look like this and it will show you a black square with white dots, those white dots represents people who are on that page at that moment but we aren't getting enough people at once to find the code. I am asking if everyone could go there and refresh the page every 5 minutes or so, so we can get a high level of activity. If anyone can help us go to that site now. We need to make this image as clear as possible. Anyone who does not know of this ARG read about it here
  2. I cant wait either I love it when bungie goes to these lengths to build a story, the third section should be updated fully soon enough I'm keep an eye on the community to see what the next code is and what it reveals.
  3. The Next Gen Xbox has a demo at Square Enix and has revealed some footage of how the graphics, lighting and motion will look like. Below are some very well detailed images of video game characters and a video showing off some light and movement activity as a demonstration. This article and images are from Examiner. The Xbox 720 will receive some impressive tech from gaming's developers and among that will be the Luminous Engine from Square Enix, which has just released its newest demo. According to a report from Siliconera on Monday, a brand-new demo for Square Enix's Luminous Engine has been released and it is just as impressive as the others that have been revealed up until now. Given the potential and power the Luminous Engine has, hopefully Square Enix will return to making profits in the console space because it would be a shame to lose such a talented contributor. Square recently talked about some of the struggles they have had in the console space. "During the nine-month period ended December 31, 2012, the Company has not recovered the operating loss posted in the six-month period ended September 30, 2012. "[This is] primarily due to the increasingly difficult condition of the world-wide console game market, under which the Group is struggling to achieve a fair expected return on its investment. "On the other hand, content for other platforms such as PCs, smartphones and SNS such as 'Sengoku Ixa,' a browser game, and 'Final Fantasy Brigade,' a social networking game for Mobage, are generating an acceptable profit. "In addition, newly released game titles, such as 'Kaku-San-Sei Million Arthur,' a social networking game released in April, 2012 serving more than 1 million registered users, have been expanding at a satisfactory pace. "Registered users of Final Fantasy Artniks,' a social networking game released in November, 2012 for Gree, exceeded 1 million at the end of December, 2012," Square said. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=KFQYC7awTOc View full article
  4. The Next Gen Xbox has a demo at Square Enix and has revealed some footage of how the graphics, lighting and motion will look like. Below are some very well detailed images of video game characters and a video showing off some light and movement activity as a demonstration. This article and images are from Examiner. The Xbox 720 will receive some impressive tech from gaming's developers and among that will be the Luminous Engine from Square Enix, which has just released its newest demo. According to a report from Siliconera on Monday, a brand-new demo for Square Enix's Luminous Engine has been released and it is just as impressive as the others that have been revealed up until now. Given the potential and power the Luminous Engine has, hopefully Square Enix will return to making profits in the console space because it would be a shame to lose such a talented contributor. Square recently talked about some of the struggles they have had in the console space. "During the nine-month period ended December 31, 2012, the Company has not recovered the operating loss posted in the six-month period ended September 30, 2012. "[This is] primarily due to the increasingly difficult condition of the world-wide console game market, under which the Group is struggling to achieve a fair expected return on its investment. "On the other hand, content for other platforms such as PCs, smartphones and SNS such as 'Sengoku Ixa,' a browser game, and 'Final Fantasy Brigade,' a social networking game for Mobage, are generating an acceptable profit. "In addition, newly released game titles, such as 'Kaku-San-Sei Million Arthur,' a social networking game released in April, 2012 serving more than 1 million registered users, have been expanding at a satisfactory pace. "Registered users of Final Fantasy Artniks,' a social networking game released in November, 2012 for Gree, exceeded 1 million at the end of December, 2012," Square said. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=KFQYC7awTOc
  5. Get involved and keep updated in bungies ARG for Destiny http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/25649-destiny-arg-update-2/

    1. Drizzy_Dan


      Crap I didn't notice you posted this as your status so I posted it as mine haha

  6. When I first found out about this ARG I incorrectly interpreted how it works so I posted above exactly what needs to be done so if anyone who was also not sure read the description above.
  7. Destiny has been confirmed to be revealed on Feb 17th on the destiny's official facebook page. Nothing has been said what exactly we will see, there is also another destiny reveal coming in late march at the Game Developers Conference. This all that has been said about it so check back at the news section for more info on this reveal. Just to add, an ARG for destiny began yesterday check out about it here and it leads up to Feb 17th View full article
  8. Destiny has been confirmed to be revealed on Feb 17th on the destiny's official facebook page. Nothing has been said what exactly we will see, there is also another destiny reveal coming in late march at the Game Developers Conference. This all that has been said about it so check back at the news section for more info on this reveal. Just to add, an ARG for destiny began yesterday check out about it here and it leads up to Feb 17th
  9. Yesterday bungie tweeted that an ARG (alternate reality game) has begun for destiny and it begins at this site http://alphalupi.bungie.net/. ARG's have been used for bungies games since Halo 2 back in 2004 which was I Love Bees (ILB) and IRIS for Halo 3. So for Destiny another one begins and once clicking on the linked site provided above a series of dots is presented which are geomantic symbols and you are required to align them up in a correct order and it will reveal a picture. You will be required to do this for each one on each day of this week. For anyone who has missed yesterdays (like myself) you can still go back and do that one. So if you are into this kind of thing then get cracking and solves the puzzles. Stay tuned here for updates http://www.343indust...-1/#entry241436 View full article
  10. Yesterday bungie tweeted that an ARG (alternate reality game) has begun for destiny and it begins at this site http://alphalupi.bungie.net/. ARG's have been used for bungies games since Halo 2 back in 2004 which was I Love Bees (ILB) and IRIS for Halo 3. So for Destiny another one begins and once clicking on the linked site provided above a series of dots is presented which are geomantic symbols and you are required to align them up in a correct order and it will reveal a picture. You will be required to do this for each one on each day of this week. For anyone who has missed yesterdays (like myself) you can still go back and do that one. So if you are into this kind of thing then get cracking and solves the puzzles. Stay tuned here for updates http://www.343indust...-1/#entry241436
  11. Yesterday bungie tweeted that an ARG (alternate reality game) has begun for destiny and it begins at this site http://alphalupi.bungie.net/. ARG's have been used for bungies games since Halo 2 back in 2004 which was I Love Bees (ILB) and IRIS for Halo 3. So for Destiny another one begins and once clicking on the linked site provided above a series of dots is presented which are geomantic symbols and you are required to align them up in a correct order and it will reveal a picture. You will be required to do this for each one on each day of this week. For anyone who has missed yesterdays (like myself) you can still go back and do that one. So if you are into this kind of thing then get cracking and solves the puzzles. How this ARG works On alphalupi.bungie.net there are seven sections one for each day of this week and in order to access each section you need to align the dots to make the correct symbol. Once doing that it will show you two images, one on the left is a blurred image with text and the one on the right is a black sqaure with white dots (called an active baseline). Those white dots are nodes and the more people that are on viewing a particular section the more white nodes will appear. Once there are enough nodes appearing it reveals a code of some kind, a QR code, URL or something else that reveals the blurry text. Here is a picture of what these sections look like. Update 1 Monday 11th Feb - you had to align the dots to make this symbol The active baseline then revealed a URL which then revealed the first piece of text. http://alphalupi.bun...98862748014.jpg Update 2 Tuesday 12th Feb - you had to align the dots to make this symbol The active baseline revealed this QR code and when scanned it revealed the second piece of text. http://alphalupi.bun...09394972304.jpg Update 3 Wednesday 13th Feb - you had to align the dots make this symbol So far this code has been found in the active baseline but has not yet been fully revealed as there needs to be more activity on it, once it's fully revealed it should lead us to the third piece of text. Ok the code above was another URL which reveals the third peice of text http://alphalupi.bun...39283143985.jpg Update 4 Thursday 14th February - you had to align the dots make this symbol Once there was enough activity on the baseline it revealed this code which was another URL, the URL revealed the forth piece of text. http://alphalupi.bun...70595463907.jpg Update 5 Friday 15th February - you had to align the dots to make this symbol After enough activity on the baseline it allowed us to reveal the fifth piece of text http://alphalupi.bun...34939781476.jpg Update 6 Saturday 16th February - you had to align the dots to make this symbol After enough activity was on the baseline users retrieved the hidden code that brought us to the sixth piece of text. http://alphalupi.bun...31500044149.jpg Update 7 Sunday 17th February - you had to align the dots to make this symbol After enough activity on the baseline the hidden code within it brought us to the seventh and last piece of text. http://alphalupi.bun...99634869174.jpg For each of the text images there was some circular patterns in the background and all the images can be linked together to create one big image. http://alphalupi.bun...ceived_1920.jpg This webpage reveals all the text images that was hidden in each section throughout this week, along with a destiny themed wallpaper and transmission that is speculated to be a piece of a Destiny soundtrack. http://alphalupi.bun...cessResult.html This post has been promoted to an article
  12. Recently it was reported that Sony will not be making the PS4 compatible was used games and speculation began if the same thing will happen to the next gen Xbox and it seems that it going that way too and not only that user will be required a constant internet connection to operate the console. So as well as not being able to play used next gen games does this also mean the next gen Xbox won't be backwards compatible with Xbox 360 games and will we not be able to play our beloved games like Halo 3, Reach, Halo 4 and many others on the new xbox? Well there is a possibility that the feature that prevents used games to be played will only be aimed at next gen games, or it could be like the 360 only selected games will be playable on the new console or the whole backward compatibility could be wiped out completely. This article is from Examiner With the expected announcement of Sony's next-generation console, the PS4, coming later this month, today we have acquired a few new details regarding Sony's direct competitor, Microsoft's Xbox 720. Through the information that was delivered in an article posted by Edge Online today, it seems that Microsoft's Xbox 720 will require users to have a constant Internet connection to operate the device. Along with the always online function, the Xbox 720 will completely eliminate the used game market. It is stated that Microsoft will still make physical copies of software available with the use of 50 GB capacity Blu-ray discs. These discs will be supplied with a one-time activation code and will be useless after this code has been used. Since Microsoft is targeting the online delivery model, it is stated that the Xbox 720 will have a sizable hard drive shipped with the system. Continuing to drive for the use of motion control, the Xbox 720 will be shipped with a new Kinect device bundled with the system. It is stated that this device will be much more responsive than the original Kinect. View full article
  13. Recently it was reported that Sony will not be making the PS4 compatible was used games and speculation began if the same thing will happen to the next gen Xbox and it seems that it going that way too and not only that user will be required a constant internet connection to operate the console. So as well as not being able to play used next gen games does this also mean the next gen Xbox won't be backwards compatible with Xbox 360 games and will we not be able to play our beloved games like Halo 3, Reach, Halo 4 and many others on the new xbox? Well there is a possibility that the feature that prevents used games to be played will only be aimed at next gen games, or it could be like the 360 only selected games will be playable on the new console or the whole backward compatibility could be wiped out completely. This article is from Examiner With the expected announcement of Sony's next-generation console, the PS4, coming later this month, today we have acquired a few new details regarding Sony's direct competitor, Microsoft's Xbox 720. Through the information that was delivered in an article posted by Edge Online today, it seems that Microsoft's Xbox 720 will require users to have a constant Internet connection to operate the device. Along with the always online function, the Xbox 720 will completely eliminate the used game market. It is stated that Microsoft will still make physical copies of software available with the use of 50 GB capacity Blu-ray discs. These discs will be supplied with a one-time activation code and will be useless after this code has been used. Since Microsoft is targeting the online delivery model, it is stated that the Xbox 720 will have a sizable hard drive shipped with the system. Continuing to drive for the use of motion control, the Xbox 720 will be shipped with a new Kinect device bundled with the system. It is stated that this device will be much more responsive than the original Kinect.
  14. These wrap ups are so nicely presented and colorful great post drizzy.
  15. It has been reported that at least 4 brand new titles will be released for the next gen xbox but they might not be released when the next xbox is released but perhaps at some point after. More details below. This article is from Examiner "Halo", "Gears of War", "Fable" and "Forza Motorsport" have been staples for the Xbox 360 and at least three of those are assured to return next-gen with the release of the next Xbox. Microsoft has been criticized in the past for not having original and exclusive titles for its consoles but a Microsoft Product Manager resume discovered Friday confirms that there are at least four all new intellectual properties (IPs) coming. Jonathan Brown is the current Senior Product Manager/Product Planner for Microsoft's Vancouver Studios which was renamed to Black Tusk Studios last November. In his LinkedIn resume he wrote, "I have been the primary product manager on four unannounced new IP and have been a key contributor to bringing these IP from the very early concept phase through green light to production." In an interview with The Vancouver Sun last year, studio head Mike Crump said, "[W]e are working on Microsoft’s next big entertainment franchise. We’re not working on an existing franchise, we’re looking to build the next 'Halo' here in Vancouver, for example, which is really exciting. We are building something from the ground up.” That distinction is important as it shows that Microsoft is working on AAA franchises and not just Kinect games which have been received poorly by 'core' gamers. Other studios with unannounced projects include Microsoft Studios - Log Angeles, Platform Next Studios, Playful Learning, Skybox Sports, Lionhead Studios, Lift London, Press Play, and Microsoft Victoria Studios. Some of these studios could be working on PC only titles or Windows Phone 8 games as well. View full article
  16. It has been reported that at least 4 brand new titles will be released for the next gen xbox but they might not be released when the next xbox is released but perhaps at some point after. More details below. This article is from Examiner "Halo", "Gears of War", "Fable" and "Forza Motorsport" have been staples for the Xbox 360 and at least three of those are assured to return next-gen with the release of the next Xbox. Microsoft has been criticized in the past for not having original and exclusive titles for its consoles but a Microsoft Product Manager resume discovered Friday confirms that there are at least four all new intellectual properties (IPs) coming. Jonathan Brown is the current Senior Product Manager/Product Planner for Microsoft's Vancouver Studios which was renamed to Black Tusk Studios last November. In his LinkedIn resume he wrote, "I have been the primary product manager on four unannounced new IP and have been a key contributor to bringing these IP from the very early concept phase through green light to production." In an interview with The Vancouver Sun last year, studio head Mike Crump said, "[W]e are working on Microsoft’s next big entertainment franchise. We’re not working on an existing franchise, we’re looking to build the next 'Halo' here in Vancouver, for example, which is really exciting. We are building something from the ground up.” That distinction is important as it shows that Microsoft is working on AAA franchises and not just Kinect games which have been received poorly by 'core' gamers. Other studios with unannounced projects include Microsoft Studios - Log Angeles, Platform Next Studios, Playful Learning, Skybox Sports, Lionhead Studios, Lift London, Press Play, and Microsoft Victoria Studios. Some of these studios could be working on PC only titles or Windows Phone 8 games as well.
  17. The PS4 will be delayed until early 2014 for Europe as Sony released some of their other hardware late in Europe but plans for a 2013 release for the US and Japan still seem to be intact. More details below This article is from Gamingbolt Sources have told Edge that the PS4 will indeed be releases in Japan and the United States at the end of this year, but that it will miss a 2013 European release date and come out in the region early in 2014. This might just happen. Sony has had a history of releasing some of their hardware late in Europe, a la the PSP and the PS Vita (which released late in US too). Edge also detailed several new features that the PS4 will boast of, according to its source, in its article. The first one was an improved version of the PS Eye. The PS4 will also ship with a redesigned controller. “[it will be] the same size as an existing DualShock but features a small touchpad in place of the existing Select, Start and PS buttons,” reads the reports. “The tech is based on Vita’s rear touchpad, and is similarly responsive in use.” “A new Share button on the controller will, when pressed, launch a new feature that will allow screenshots and video to be distributed online,” the article added. “The PS4 hardware will continually record the most recent 15 minutes of onscreen action (with no processing penalty, claims our source), which users will then be able to edit and broadcast via the Internet.” The PS4 is likely to be announced on February 20th.
  18. Team doubles will be added to Halo 4's multiplayer next week and it will include 3 team doubles gametypes which is Infinity team doubles, team doubles pro and CTF team doubles. Read below for more details Credit to Sykowolf for finding this. This article is from Gamesptot. The first is Infinity Doubles, which lets players choose a custom loadout and allows for instant respawn and use of radar. Ordnances will become active at the traditional 70-point mark, but options are adjusted specifically for Team Doubles, 343 said. Games are played to 300 points. Doubles Pro features preset game loadouts (available at the 343 website) and the score limit is the same as above. However, radar, personal ordnance, and instant respawn are toggled off. Third, CTF Doubles is a customized version of the Capture the Flag game mode for teams of two. Custom loadouts and radar are enabled and respawn timers are set to 10 seconds. Flag locations have been tweaked, 343 said, to "provide an optimal experience for small maps and teams." Rules of the game are: five flags to win, three-second return, and 15-second rest. In addition, gamers do not need to have their flag home to score. A finalized map pool is still being worked on, though 343 said modified versions of Haven, Abandon, and Solace will be included, as well as some Forge-made maps. In addition to announcing and detailing Halo 4's new Team Doubles playlist, 343 also revealed two new specializations will be added to the mix next week. They are Rogue and Tracker. More details are available on the 343 website. Also on tap for Halo 4 in February is the game's next multiplayer map pack. The Majestic expansion adds new environments Landfall, Monolith, and Skyline to the mix. View full article
  19. Team doubles will be added to Halo 4's multiplayer next week and it will include 3 team doubles gametypes which is Infinity team doubles, team doubles pro and CTF team doubles. Read below for more details Credit to Sykowolf for finding this. This article is from Gamesptot. The first is Infinity Doubles, which lets players choose a custom loadout and allows for instant respawn and use of radar. Ordnances will become active at the traditional 70-point mark, but options are adjusted specifically for Team Doubles, 343 said. Games are played to 300 points. Doubles Pro features preset game loadouts (available at the 343 website) and the score limit is the same as above. However, radar, personal ordnance, and instant respawn are toggled off. Third, CTF Doubles is a customized version of the Capture the Flag game mode for teams of two. Custom loadouts and radar are enabled and respawn timers are set to 10 seconds. Flag locations have been tweaked, 343 said, to "provide an optimal experience for small maps and teams." Rules of the game are: five flags to win, three-second return, and 15-second rest. In addition, gamers do not need to have their flag home to score. A finalized map pool is still being worked on, though 343 said modified versions of Haven, Abandon, and Solace will be included, as well as some Forge-made maps. In addition to announcing and detailing Halo 4's new Team Doubles playlist, 343 also revealed two new specializations will be added to the mix next week. They are Rogue and Tracker. More details are available on the 343 website. Also on tap for Halo 4 in February is the game's next multiplayer map pack. The Majestic expansion adds new environments Landfall, Monolith, and Skyline to the mix.
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