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Everything posted by Adam91

  1. yeah but cortana said that long before the officer in fud said it, not chronological in the canon but throughout the time halo has existed.
  2. the picture is a scrambled image, but if you use a text editor it reveals the forerunner symbol for the letter "K" So we have C3K so far.
  3. already posted dude http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/15328-halo-4-live-action-trailer-revealed/
  4. Well the title says it all, here it is the moment we have all been waiting for the new live action trailer "Scanned" has just been released on NBC. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GO376G4tbGM&sns=em
  5. Well the title says it all, here it is the moment we have all been waiting for the new live action trailer "Scanned" has just been released on NBC. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GO376G4tbGM&sns=em View full article
  6. Mountain dew have a store locator site that lets you find you what store near you sell it, whether its a certain flavor or if its game fuel you are after just enter you zip code and it will find it. This is only for the US so it wont work for anywhere else. http://itemlocator.pepsico.com/mountaindew/
  7. The terminals for halo 4 are not going to be located or accessible in the actual game but will be via waypoint. It appears things weren't on schedule, here is a Neogaf comment from lybertyboy explaining about this situation. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=43344944&postcount=14859
  8. The terminals for halo 4 are not going to be located or accessible in the actual game but will be via waypoint. It appears things weren't on schedule, here is a Neogaf comment from lybertyboy explaining about this situation. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=43344944&postcount=14859 View full article
  9. As Many of us know there is a new Halo 4 trailer coming and it is set to be released tonight during The Jimmy Fallon show on NBC. The show airs at 12:36am tonight EST and the trailer will most likely be shown during a commercial break. If you are not sure with time zone situations please click the link below to find your time. If you look at New Yorks time and look at the time at your location you will then know the hour difference from EST to your time. http://www.worldtimezone.com/ If your are unable to watch the Jimmy Fallon show for any reason don't worry IGN will upload the trailer shortly after it airs. IGN webiste http://uk.ign.com/ IGN youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/ignentertainment If you want to know more about the trailer, people who's involved etc please visit this thread that Archangel Tyrael has made. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/14901-halo-4-launch-trailer-executive-produced-by-david-fincher/?do=findComment&comment=164366 As for now lets get ready for return of Master Chief. PS. There will be duplicate threads of this, it's just a one time thing to let everyone know about this.
  10. As Many of us know there is a new Halo 4 trailer coming and it is set to be released tonight during The Jimmy Fallon show on NBC. The show airs at 12:36am tonight EST and the trailer will most likely be shown during a commercial break. If you are not sure with time zone situations please click the link below to find your time. If you look at New Yorks time and look at the time at your location you will then know the hour difference from EST to your time. http://www.worldtimezone.com/ If your are unable to watch the Jimmy Fallon show for any reason don't worry IGN will upload the trailer shortly after it airs. IGN webiste http://uk.ign.com/ IGN youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/ignentertainment If you want to know more about the trailer, people who's involved etc please visit this thread that Archangel Tyrael has made. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/14901-halo-4-launch-trailer-executive-produced-by-david-fincher/?do=findComment&comment=164366 As for now lets get ready for return of Master Chief. PS. There will be duplicate threads of this, it's just a one time thing to let everyone know about this.
  11. This is what the ancient evil will say when it awakens (not a leak or spoiler BTW) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GfdemcL35A&t=0m25s

  12. Is everyone ready to grab this ancient evil by it's little bunny ears and say No!,,Stop It!

    1. LordReaper


      Wonder if we can make rabbit soup out of it <.< lol

    2. DaveAtStateFarm


      I'ma grab it by it's Rabbit balls and shove my knee in it's stomach!

  13. Just filling up with nostalgia listening to this, thank you Neil Davidge for bringing this back http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w09qv7YAkRg

  14. it is interesting but there is already a topic discussing this http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/14937-secret-textmessages-in-the-bulletin/
  15. I just noticed something might not be important though. The symbols that appear in that screen shot i posted and in the distress call in terminal 5, you can see some of them at the start of every terminal. When it shows like a glass window effect at the start of each terminal and right at the moment the numbers show up you can just about see some of the symbols arounds the edge of the glass window. Those are definitely some of the symbols we see in the screen shot and the distress call.
  16. i think we only have C and 3 so far HA! i forgot that you had that symbol as your pic, tell us all the secrets! lol. But yeah the number 3 is throwing me off too really cant think of anything.
  17. Ok In the last vidoc released "Making Halo 4: Infinity Multiplayer" there was a forerunner symbol at the end which was the symbol for the letter "C". Picture shown below. Today Microsoft sent you this email. http://view.engage.xbox.com/?j=fe9d16717764067a71&m=feca167070610c7c&ls=fe6512707d65077f7116&l=feb81c7877610d7a&s=fe1f1774736d037d7d1679&jb=ff951579&ju=fe5f10707563037d7d12&uid=82648354&tid=&r=0 If you scroll down to the bottom where it shows the rating, Microsoft and 343i's logo's there is a strange symbol. If you click that symbol you get this symbol. Which is the symbol for the number 3. So there is definitely a secret message out there and we just need to find the others when they come out. So far we have C3, I can't think of anything just yet that relates to those characters. But give your thoughts on it.
  18. People have been reporting about receiving messages from random people on xbox live that contain spoilers of Halo 4. If you do not want anything spoiled I would advise you to delete any messages from people you don't know. Also if you are a member of Halo waypoint I would also advise deleting any PM's unless its from a mod of course. If anyone is not sure about the leak policy of this site please visit the leak policy thread, link is posted below. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/15036-halo-4-leaks-policy/ It can also be viewed by clicking the link above the shout box. Try not to spoil anything for yourself and do not spoil it for any one else. We are only three weeks away until show time so help make it as exciting as possible.
  19. Here is a new interview with 343's David Ellis and today he discussed a little more on Spartan Op's. He explains when each season comes out and how many missions it will have and just gives a detailed outline on what the mode is all about. Nothing we don't know is shown or talked about but for those who have not been up to date with this new game mode and wants to find out more about it, then go right ahead and get your fill of info on it. Note: David Ellis does state that Spartan Op's will be free of charge, but you will have to have an XBL Gold subscription to download the seasons but assuming the first season will not require gold subscription as it comes with the game. Video and Interview provided by IGN START.
  20. Here is a new interview with 343's David Ellis and today he discussed a little more on Spartan Op's. He explains when each season comes out and how many missions it will have and just gives a detailed outline on what the mode is all about. Nothing we don't know is shown or talked about but for those who have not been up to date with this new game mode and wants to find out more about it, then go right ahead and get your fill of info on it. Note: David Ellis does state that Spartan Op's will be free of charge, but you will have to have an XBL Gold subscription to download the seasons but assuming the first season will not require gold subscription as it comes with the game. Video and Interview provided by IGN START. View full article
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