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Everything posted by Adam91

  1. in the creating halo 4 i believe this is the very first moment of the campaign we see chiefs cryo tube opening watch from 2:11 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eXPCxQgZBs i also made a gif of it click this link if the gif dosnt work below http://postimage.org/image/rabiyznyt/
  2. i love this halo 4 soundtrack http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wlb8s259iJ4&list=PL82BC81EDE9E883EF&index=0&feature=plcp drizzy will be shocked to he me say that, haha

    1. CandiBunni


      That was actually really good.

    2. EliteSniper


      I think all oft the OSTs we had so far, are pretty damn good...

  3. where was this confirmed? also when was this confirmed
  4. I have 4219890 cR, halo 4 LE for everyone

    1. Ardent Prayer
    2. M DooMknight
    3. skummgummigubbe


      this is true... i can't believe it you beat me at 4m cr (i had 3m) :P

  5. i had a dream last night that i was playing halo 4

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Glory of a Far Dawn

      Glory of a Far Dawn

      And? is there pie in the game?

    3. Glory of a Far Dawn

      Glory of a Far Dawn

      And? is there pie in the game?

    4. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      ....and at the point where he jumped in the water and felt his pressure suit leaking.....woke up and realized it was not his pressure suit that was 'leaking'! lol


      Seriously, I have had a couple of Halo 4 dreams too. In one I performed a low gravity, sprint-jetpack jump and never landed.

  6. This was brought to my attention, here is a picture of the Halo 4 LE pack from Mighty Ape, you can see that there are 2 discs sitting out from the game box, could this mean halo 4 will be on 2 discs?
  7. no prob choot, this is where people must have got it from about didact unbound state, it's not a full on quote saying it but you can tell where he's going with it. http://www.neogaf.co...9&postcount=108
  8. this is really hard i cant seem to give any connect with those numbers, i do know the text, numbers etc that appeared in the halo 4 ad on espn.com also shows up in in the gif on the infinity screen and the 10th terminal in halo cea diag proc 10 probe terminal proc 10 rogue proc 10 proc 7 8 9 linvntry terminal 862..293.342.3487.2 thanksshk terminal !attach act drop 38XUI¶¶ aos . 299 . clean !splotch control !bite rogue pro 1 recurse §200 sdkue 94. ssdd a s-------- i made this gif of the 10th terminal watch the left side http://makeagif.com/...2012/Hw_gWy.gif the symbol in frame 14 to me looks like a scrambled image of this symbol http://images.wikia....-Forerunner.png i do believe frank o'connor said the symbol represents the didact in his unbound state. i will try and get a source for it.
  9. great find choot this stuff is really interesting and strange,as for the numbers in the didact gif those are the same numbers that appear at the start of some of the terminals in halo cea, i wonder what all this stuff means i love the crypticness of all this.
  10. any one think the flood will be back in halo 5 or 6

  11. i know who Smitty Werben Yeggerman-Jensen is! he's buried next to Earl Fin also i want his soda hat.
  12. jen taylor replied to a tweet i sent her i feel special

    1. Complete Loser

      Complete Loser

      Because you're special

  13. and frank o'connor tried to say the packages wernt perks, trying to get a sneaky one past us are ya frankie? lol
  14. lol, im sure you know the words forerunner and precursor means ancestor, people(s) that existed long before someone else, another word for it is predecessor which ties in to the italian word Predecessori and both the english words forerunner and precursor come from the latin term "praecursor", and when the italian term precursori is translated in latin it is "precursor" and the italian term predecessori in latin is "antecessores" and when that word in english is "before" it's like one big circle lol a lot of english comes from latin abbreviations and words as well as many other languages such as itialian.
  15. not only that they are described as very tall (like 11 foot or something) with flat insect like heads and have 4 upper limbs when forerunners devolves a species (humans for example) it means their technology tier is lowered back to the very beginning, it dosnt mean the species itself is physically devolved.
  16. i know i may have been going on bit much about the halo 4 music lately but does anyone know if the original theme is coming back? because people are saying different things

  18. does anyone else think that the halo 4 console design looks nothing like forerunner design?

    1. Complete Loser

      Complete Loser

      Ehh... doesn't but still look's pretty cool gotta admit

  19. what features are you referring to or expected?
  20. the halo 2 brutes were also my favorite hopefully they and the hunters a make an appearance.
  21. does anybody think that 343 will include the brutes or hunters in halo 4? i really hope they i would also love to see how much detail they would add to them.
  22. forerunner or precursor?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Adam91


      @grim reaper ??

    3. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      @Ms. Mystic



      I choose neither. Sergeant Johnson



      You never played Jak & Dexter?

  23. halo 4's music really bothers me so far

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