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Everything posted by Adam91

  1. why does halo waypoint keep crashing its so annoying

    1. Azaxx


      Why does this site hate my ipad ._.

  2. Adam91


    it wont happen for multiplayer but i dont see why they shouldnt featured in the campaign all the brutes stayed loyal to the covenant (unless something else was told in the books) we should see rogue brutes as well i think they would look amazing in halo 4.
  3. just want to say thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes, turn big 21 yesterday, thank you

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      I can't believe I said that...i'm 13...

    3. Kurt S-501

      Kurt S-501

      I missed it. Happy late birthday!

    4. miniamp


      better get drunk...

  4. just a reminder

  5. the graphics look really different and lower quality at 2:07 could still be unpolished?
  6. no it dosnt, they are made by prometheans but that dosnt make them actual prometheans, sentinels are made by forefrunners but does that make it an actual forerunners? no
  7. the enemies we seen are called promethean crawlers and promethean knights they arnt promethean them selves but are made by prometheans
  8. two people have given the correct answers so that means theres only one spot left, get thinking.
  9. Ok guys here is another challenge to win the you got lucky ward, sorry i havnt been doing these much lately I was having trouble trying to think of and finding riddles related to video games again this time this isnt video game related. This time im giving this to the first 3 people who PM me the correct answer Heres my challenege Combine these two cluse together to create one word. Heres an example: Tripped on to, Middle leg joint = fell - knee > felony Get it? good now heres the clues Test the flavor, golf ball holder = ? Clean the floor, cut of beef = ? Animal wagger, used in plumbing = ? Also here is a rebus puzzle, look at the picture and tell me what phrase is it saying PM me your answers and the first 3 people to give all the correct answers will be given the award. Good luck and have fun. congratulations to Mr Biggles, Total Meyhem and Twilight Sparkle they were the first to give all correct answers. the answers were Tasty, Sweepstake and Tailpipe and the rebus puzzle answer was down right stupid.
  10. E3 2003 We get our first real look at Halo 2 with an on-stage demo by Joe Staten. There are better quality versions of this video, but I've uploaded this one as it's the live recording from the stage presentation so you get all the audience reactions. I love the the way the crowd goes wild as Chief hijacks the Ghost. E3 2004 Things are getting a bit better now, live streams of the conferences are becoming commonplace and it's all much higher quality business. Joe Staten again takes to the stage to do a live demo of Halo 2's multiplayer. This includes the now infamous moment where Joe Staten wails “OoooOhhOoh TAKE IT!” Also includes Peter Moore revealing his new tattoo. E3 2005 2005 was the year of the 360 so Microsoft's focus was elsewhere. Halo 2's record breaking sales and online player numbers discussed in the press conference, but there was no new Halo game shown. The Halo 2 Multiplayer Map Pack was playable on the show floor, and actually drew impressive crowds considering PS3, Wii and Xbox 360 were on show elsewhere. Click here to watch Archangel Tyrael's Part 2 2006-2011
  11. E3 2001 A lot changed in the next 12 months, Bungie was bought by Microsoft and Halo became an Xbox game. More than any other video in this article, I think this highlights how far the industry has come in the last decade - the kids awkwardly playing Halo, the low budget set dressings, the forced jokes between Peter Moore and Robbie Bach, all feels a bit.. cheap? As well as this video from the press conference, Halo multiplayer was playable on the show floor - Slayer on Blood Gulch and the Campaign level Halo. E3 2002 Halo 2 is announced to the world in this classic trailer: Halo:CE was again playable on the show floor at the Microsoft stand.
  12. So, how are you? Excited about Monday? We're just one sleep away from our biggest serving yet of Halo 4 info. E3 is one of the most glitzy and overblown showpieces in any industry. This year Halo 4 will be taking centre stage. I thought it would be nice to take a walk down memory lane and see if we can stir some of the ghosts of E3s past. E3 1999 Halo wasn't actually unveiled at E3, it was first shown in 1999, . Halo was shown behind closed doors at E3 in 1999, but no trailers or screenshots were released. E3 2000 Halo was still a Mac game at this point. Two trailers were shown on the E3 show floor, the short one was rolling on monitors, while the long one was a sit-down showing at the Bungie booth. It depicts a very different game to the one that finally shipped and includes several canned vehicles and animals. Also, check out Master Chief's voice!
  13. im the only adam around here and thats the way its gonna stay lol oj, welcome to the forums buddy make yourself at home.
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