the halo 4 theme should be the piece of music we hear at the end of the halo 4 trailer when the logo comes up, it has to be the same melody that it started of with in halo ce, but like halo 2 and 3 they can change the pitch, bass etc but they still have the chanting monks, i think the melody itself should stay the same (i hope im using the correct word when i say melody), like in the other halos they always play the main theme first at the main menu and once the piece of music is over another piece of music from the track list plays, they could do the same with this piece of music and others, but i wouldnt want it to be the main theme, like i said have the actual main halo theme whether its gonna be higher pitched or have a lot of bass to it this time in halo 4, in halo 1,2 and 3 all had the same theme but different tempos.