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Everything posted by Adam91

  1. yeah it was him, heres the link again it should work http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=35373491&postcount=3284
  2. Adam91

    Halo 4 ost?

    do you mean they wont feature that piece of music in halo 4 all together?
  3. then we literally dont have a game, the game wouldn't exist
  4. Adam91

    Halo 4 ost?

    This maybe old news for alot of you but here is a video on youtube that states it's halo 4's OST http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3StWX6GZP0 Heres a link to a neogaf comment and apparently that comment is stating that this soundtrack is halo 4's OST http://www.neogaf.co...&postcount=4371 this is very possible a fake and that neogaf comment could be talking about a different halo 4 sound track all together that we havnt heard yet, but its still nice to discuss as i am not sure if its real or fake, new or old news by now. Now imo i'm not loving the sound track but i want to ask a genuine question, when they call it Halo 4's OST does that mean halo 4's main theme? if so i'm definitely not liking it i personally would like the chanting monks to return for the Master chief games as the main theme, i would like halo 4's OST to be something like what we hear at the end of the teaser trailer when the halo 4 logo appears. Halo ce, halo 2, and halo 3's all had the main halo theme but each one had a different style to it, like halo 2's main theme had more of a female vocal sound mixed in with it which i thought sounded fantastic and its my favorite, i would like halo 4 to have the main theme and give it it's own style like bungie did for each game of the previous trilogy.
  5. that ending isnt canon to the story line it was just for a laugh kinda like an easter egg for those who complete it on legendary
  6. the scratches might not even indicate armor damage in halo 4, they could have just been put on to make the figure look more realistic just to make it look like the MC has been in combat, basically just bringing the figure to life.
  7. We may have some pics from Halo 4 of the main menu SOUND THE TRUMPETS!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0O0BkLs47I the shrek vid i just abit of a laugh but heres the screen shots hope these are real, it says they are from the showcase but im still doubtful about them very possible they could be fake http://www.gamufi.co...msg1300#msg1300
  8. the halo 4 theme should be the piece of music we hear at the end of the halo 4 trailer when the logo comes up, it has to be the same melody that it started of with in halo ce, but like halo 2 and 3 they can change the pitch, bass etc but they still have the chanting monks, i think the melody itself should stay the same (i hope im using the correct word when i say melody), like in the other halos they always play the main theme first at the main menu and once the piece of music is over another piece of music from the track list plays, they could do the same with this piece of music and others, but i wouldnt want it to be the main theme, like i said have the actual main halo theme whether its gonna be higher pitched or have a lot of bass to it this time in halo 4, in halo 1,2 and 3 all had the same theme but different tempos.
  9. i seen people say that on halo waypoint what do you mean?
  10. thanks for the info, but i must say i dont like the new layout of halowaypoint i prefer the old layout and i loved the soft mysterious music that played quietly in the background
  11. From what ive heard and read about neogaf it appears to be a respected forum on video game info and the things that people state there seem to be legit, here is a comment on neogaf basically confirming the brute shot in halo 4 http://www.neogaf.co...&postcount=3284 when you read the comment just below the one in the box part of it states "The object lesson being, don't assume anything and then my son, you will not be disappoint." Now im not going to jump to conclusions that the brute shot will be in it, to me that dosnt seem to be an official confirmation, is it someone trolling? i cant really tell as i said neogaf seems well respected and legit for it to have trolls on it so not sure how to take this but that last part (the bit i quoted) seems to say that the brute shot wont be in it. please discuss.
  12. Here is an article from nowgamer about X12 there is no additional info to what we already know about it, it's just basically stating how it seems more likely we will see some halo 4 info at it as microsoft hasnt shot down the rumor also a little info on the next gen xbox , just to clarify no matter how promising the halo 4 reveal is looking it is still classified as a rumor and nothing has been confirmed. Here you go http://www.nowgamer....s_round_up.html
  13. is the halo waypoint forum section down for anyone else i can access everything else except the forums my friend isnt having any problems with it though

    1. ZB-85


      nopw. I just can't sign in.

    2. SuperIntendant


      It's been down for more than a day now

    3. Adam91


      its back up now

  14. to be honest 5 months is not long at all considering how much credits it takes to rank up in the higher part of the rank list, as well as my self i know people who mainly play on a daily basis and are pretty decent at the game and they are only at field marshal after playing reach for about 7-8 months, im currently on hero and i had halo reach since the day it came out, but i began playing it mainly on a daily basis last july and i was at major rank at that time it taken me 6 months to get to hero but i wouldnt say thats down to bad play because it i think im a decent player at it its just because of the high amount of credits that need to be earned on the higher ranks.
  15. Hero 400,000 cr away from legend
  16. but you just gave him 4/5 for his avatar in your previous post lol
  17. Imo halo 4 should follow halo 2's style of music, to me halo 2 had the most mysterious, chilling and emotional music out of the franchise and it went well since halo 2 is a dark game and as halo 4 will seem to have a dark story line and feeling i think it will suit it, but i remember somewhere on halo waypoint in a discussion about the new audio director some one said that frank o'connor stated that the new soundtracks are gonna be totally different to the original trilogy i dont know where this guy seen that because i remember in an interview (cant remember which one but it was recorded in like some kind of board room in the 343i studio) that one of the guys possibly fank oconnor if i remember correctly said something like that the new audio director wanted to recognize Martin O'Donnells work and follow the style of music that he produced for the original trilogy. Edit: i found that interview i was talking about, frank o'connor actually isnt in this one but if you skip to about 9:45 they begin to talk about that the audio director wants to try and bring over the style of music from the first trilogy but also embark on a new style aswell http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwtruD10LTA
  18. Congrats mr biggles well deserved, you have now been given a place in the 343i.org member of the month wall.
  19. Here are pictures of the master chief halo 4 figure along with a few others http://halo.xbox.com...-Fair-2012.aspx just realized this maybe in the wrong section if so sorry
  20. Heres a video that was posted on waypoint today on how the halo figures are made, for those who are curious on how they do it, enjoy. http://halo.xbox.com...2c-7c5dea7f4808
  21. frank said there wont be purple and i dont think he confirmed the arbiters return
  22. but he posted in the halo 3 section
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