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Everything posted by Adam91

  1. here it is, i personally dont like the halo theme in that style of music but hope you enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rwy1bsTsTM0
  2. ive yet to join a play date but i will the next chance i get, but ive been thinking about when the halo 4 play dates will start its gonna be brilliant, this site is gonna be buzzin when halo 4 comes out thats one of the reasons im looking forward to halo 4 gonna be lots of discussions about it

  3. i dont understand how that would be the reason of no halo 4 info on feb 29th
  4. i dont know then, but i really dont think it was a rumor
  5. it wasnt a rumor there were halo 4 figures there.
  6. it was the halo toy fair in london at it is showed halo 4 toy figures of the vehicles and some characters that will appear in halo 4, only those who went to it got to see them no one was allowed to take pictures or record any of the halo 4 figures.
  7. it dosnt matter if it was made by hand, every thing on that ring the grass, tress, rivers, mountains, the atmosphere etc are all artificially made BUT it is all made to imitate and act the way nature does on normal worlds so there for every thing acting the way its is intended man made or not is on the ring is acting natural and every thing that isnt is not acting naturally, so theres no flaw in cortanas quote about the caves not being in natural formation of the cave.
  8. yeah halo glasslands was confirmed to take place after halo 3 and will have connections to halo 4 so it could be a sequel but im guessing it would be a prequel few months to a year before the event of master chief waking up but i havnt read it yet just read briefs of info about it so i could have that time frame wrong also halo fall of reach is actually a prequel to halo ce and halo reach.
  9. i have never read primordium or cryptum for that matter but funny enough i just knew that there would be another ark introduced into the story, i enjoyed reading that theory very well thought out and seems logical enough, you could be right about this.
  10. prophet of truth he would come across the type you could have a good conversation with (thats when he is chilled out and not wanting to glass planets) 343gs would cause me to go insane with all that technical talk i would have to activate the halo array to put me out of my misery. would you rather be enemies with forerunners or the precursors (i dont mean in halo 4, i mean if it happened in real life)
  11. never noticed that before nice bit of spotting there, are there any other things you noticed in the other terminals.
  12. just watched it seems good so far will look forward to the next one
  13. just played halo 2 online for the first time ever through xbox connect now i know what ive been missing

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CandiBunni


      You haven't been missing much. Halo 3 is much better.

    3. Adam91


      halo 3 is really good i was playing it the other day i forgotten how fun the chopper was

    4. TheTallmidgeT24


      halo 3 is better but halo ce is even better! lol

  14. i think they should allow you to pick up your fallen team mates ammo in infection it would make it more fair since the zombies have unliited sword hits
  15. theres some info about it in the article if you havnt read it already
  16. yeah i liked it in infection but im looking forward to see what team hotshot is like
  17. Heres an article about the halo 4 multiplayer bots, i dont hold alot of knowledge when it comes to this side of the game but i hope alot of you may find this info useful to get a bit of a deeper idea on what halo 4 will be like. PS. I hope this isnt old/useless news http://www.nixelpixe...mutiplayer.html
  18. yip you're right, just a lighthearted joke, i expected that it wasnt anything to do with halo 4, i just had the smallest ounce of hope incase it was
  19. Im not sure how to take this could this mean a halo 4 trailer during the superbowl, although people have said frank o'connor said they wernt gonna show anything, so i dont understand what this tweet means https://twitter.com/...300020671381504 edit: ok its nothing to do with halo 4 bs angel commented on halowaypoint "That was not a reference to a Halo 4 ad. It was simply a reference to many of us at the studio enjoying the football game." i expected this would be the case but i couldnt help to jump to conclusions a bit.
  20. there seemed to be a voice talking in the transmission were you able to make it out what was being said?
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