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Everything posted by Adam91

  1. in the last terminal when 343gs said those things im thinking of the didact, it dosnt quite indicate that the flood will be back basically hes saying if MC thought the flood was a tough fight then hes gonna be f****d when "him" (possibly the didact) comes in to the picture, but i do think the flood may come back
  2. Heres the new halowapoint bulletin http://halo.xbox.com...letin-2112.aspx sword base being removed from infection and a new game type hotshot
  3. heres an ign video giving a quick brief about it, but they still say it could be a rumor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-U4Bq-ywWY&feature=youtu.be
  4. 10 years ago the xbox was just released and i was out with my dad getting it for xmas i went into the store and picked an xbox that had the james bond night fire game with it, then the store assistant showed me the xbox package that came with halo ce and he said that this is was far better game and convinced me to get it, so i got it and thats where it all kicked off for me, if it wasnt for that guy i might not have become a halo fan and i wouldnt be part of this brilliant site and comunity, thank you game store assistant guy.
  5. dont get your hopes up too high it says theres no confirmation that halo 4 will be connected to it and it may just be a rumor, but it is still interesting to see if its true ill keep an open mind to it, thanks for the update biggles, keep a sharp eye out for more if you can, thanks. edit: i sent bs angel a pm asking if she could confirm if this is fake and she replied "sorry i cant comment on it" could that be a hint that this could possibly be real, if it was fake wouldnt she say so people wont be cause a big hype over nothing, still not gonna get my hopes up too much but i cant help being a bit excited on other hand.
  6. skyrim is a free roam game its meant to give you the ability to go anywhere, where halo isnt a free roam game its just a fps but it would be nice if the boundaries were extended a bit.
  7. on halo waypoint there was a thread created called "transmission recieved" or something made by a user called Ancilla 049, i would post a link to that thread but i cant seem to find it, but heres a thread created about people discussing it http://halo.xbox.com...-in-danger.aspx also Ancilla 049 is now sending tweets on twitter https://twitter.com/#!/Ancilla049, i really think this is all fake but im also keeping an open mind to it, i remember frank o'connor mentioning about 343i doing something that will give a bit of a twist and also he said something about doing something that will involve an AI early this year, i know he said that he said on Halo a-z that they wont be doing an ARG but this could be something different. So what do you think official 343i guy or troll? read his latest tweet, time to put this thread to bed now, i was sure it was fake anyway
  8. Here is a commercial for a samsung 4G mobile phone, notice any thing familiar? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKXwRFsoD-4&feature=related also the bad guy kinda resembles a forerunner
  9. yeah i didnt even know we could do that lol, how come when i do play as an elite in solo there arnt any enemies to kill?
  10. i went on firefight yesterday and i was playing as an elite, and i didnt even know we could do that.
  11. i was reading on waypoint a guy commenting that he knew the jeff steitzer (the announcer) and he commented on his face book and he said that 343i hasnt offered him to do the voice, but im guessing hes just trolling.
  12. good idea, it would be sweet to fight against hunter flood forms, there are grunt flood forms but they are just the carriers that burst when you shoot them but it would be cool to see them as a combat flood form.
  13. no i made a mistake its the anniversary master chief
  14. after i killed the 4 marines at the start no other humans arrived i was just left running about on my own with some grunt and jackal allies with nothing to do, went on to court yard just to see if it happened again and it did, its very strange.
  15. a lot of places have are giving release dates that arnt true, 343i hasnt given a released date yet dont go by what gamestop says just wait and see what 343i says.
  16. Earlier today i went on firefight on installation 04 and when the game started i was an elite with grunt and jackal allies, i never knew we could play as covenant in firefight i went into my settings and it dosnt say anywhere that i have selected covenant for my chosen species also i never changed the settings the last time i played firefight, also when playing this it started of with about four human enemies that i had to kill and when i killed them nothing else arrives after, no more humans come back, whats up with that? and beside the radar it shows a spartan or an odst helmet with the number 10 beside it im not sure what that means either im not sure if i noticed it before either, I know i sound like i noob but i just never noticed any of these things before.
  17. @ Quantum Matrix your doing great on the site, im not doing good to the site look at my latest topic, made quite a mistske

  18. sorry guys by the time i realised that it was only anniversay toys i already had this topic made here the halo cea toys anyway http://halo.xbox.com...6#imageNumber=1 sorry about that guys such and idiotic mistake. I know alot of you are gonna be angry at me im very sorry
  19. I was discussing this video in the shout box earlier with a few members and it was so hilarious im actually laughing while i'm typing this and I thought i'd share it with everyone a lot of you may have already seen this but here goes any way. P.S i want sure if i should post it in the halo reach thread but since its not actual info on halo reach i thought it would be best here. warning foul language http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXasCjUTNpE
  20. its 12:45am where i am and im in the same time zone as london so i think its gonna be tomorrow before we see anything
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