excellent find really glad to see a bit of info, but i must say the last question worries me slightly
[On how lost you’ll be, storywise, if you play Halo 4 without having ever played Halobefore:
“If Halo 4 is your first [Halo] game, that’s fine — don’t worry about it.” ]
i know the new trilogy is gonna be taking a new story but i still want it to have connections with the the previous trilogy, i want there to be references from the first trilogy in the new one, like in some pieces of dialouge in halo 4 i want some mentions to be made from some events from the first trilogy. I dont want there to be a blank spot between the last events in halo 3 and the beginning of halo 4, im still really excited for halo 4 mybe im over thinking it.
Thank you very much for this update GODSABOMINATION