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Everything posted by Adam91

  1. dmr is more accurate but i like the br better, feels more comfortable
  2. not too keen on this idea just can imagine being able to swim in halo, would look really strange
  3. halo does not resemble cod and it never has in anyway other than its a fps and it hasnt began to change where it's beginning to resemble cod so that shouldnt be a worry to anyone, also its very unlikely we will get to operate super carriers in forge,but the custom assassinations sound pretty cool.
  4. what about the story? no one hardly mentions their views on what the story will be like its always multiplayer, i agree with your idea on the trailers, i loved the halo 2 trailer where chief is looking at earth from the space station and the soundtrack "the last spartan" playing along with it although i did also like the live action trailers too.
  5. welcome aboard to the best and friendliest site on the internet, if you have any questions we will all do our best to help you out.
  6. I will update this every month and add the latest member of the month to the wall of fame, also if the moderators like this can i request to get this thread pinned so it wont get lost. Twinreaper - December 2011 EGYPTIANGHETTO - January 2012 Quantum Matrix - February 2012 Mr.Biggles - March 2012 Donut - April 2012 343iBot - April 15th to 30th Explanation Topic Azaxx - May 2012 The Director - June 2012 Undead - July 2012 Candibunni - August 2012 Choot 'em - September 2012 DoctorB77 - October 2012 Itz Vplus2 - November 2012 Zelda - December 2012 SykoWolf - January 2013 RedStarRocket91 - February 2013 Church - March 2013 Victory Element - April 2013 AbleSir Thomas - May 2013 Beckoningzebra1 - June 2013 ♠ Spades N AZ ♠ - July 2013 SikSlik7 - August 2013 Zandril - September 2013 BCAM - October 2013 Explanation Topic Bnus - November 2013 -Sparky- - December 2013 Onsokumaru - January 2014 Edward Kenway - February 2014 Spyro - March 2014 Unease P34nut - April 2014 The Dumb Marine - May 2014 JXZAW - June 2014 Vigilant Intellect - July 2014 Self Destruct - August 2014 Blake Belladonna - September 2014 Butch Flowers - October 2014 rrhuntington - November 2014 A6ENT OF CHAOS - December 2014 Ledgend1221 - January 2015 Delpen9 - February 2015
  7. i love the irony of this thread
  8. i cant see them producing that high of quality graphics in to an RTS game, we wouldnt be able to benefit from it as we will be looking down on the battlefield in a birds eye view, we wouldnt be up close enough to anything to see it at its full potential.
  9. arnt the 3 games 343i is making are halo 4 5 and 6
  10. are you serious?? 343i has given nearly everything the community requested
  11. the op already said that, thats what this thread is about
  12. some good points but whats the point of 343 bringing back maps from the first trilogy i want them to make band new maps for halo 4 mm and if they are as good as some of maps from the first trilogy then that should create good game play and memories for just like we have/had for halo 2 etc further down the line and besides if 343i keep remaking things that bungie made then we will never get to see what they are capable of on their own, btw its the campaign and story i dont want them to mess up thats the main priority imo.
  13. it would be cool if we got a halo 2 remaked as its my fav halo game, but to me it seems that these guys are bowing to every demand that the fans make we just got halo ce remake and now they want a halo 2 remake i thought that the announcement of a new trilogy would be more then enough, im too excited and eager for halo4 to think about remakes and these changes that has been made to reach that the fans have requested.
  14. we never had any silent sniper missions in halo apart from night fall in halo reach thats it just one mission out all the games we played as a spartan and alot of that mission isnt silent sniping,but you do have some good ideas there but i have to disagree with the rooster teeth idea, i want them to stay clear of any production involvement to halo 4.
  15. nice idea for the first cut scene the fact cortana being the one to open the game with the first cut scene would work really well since its been said that she is gonna play a big role in it, they could do it that it shows cortana talking while chief is asleep about the forerunners and how everything came to be like in halo legends then it cuts to black and we hear explosions then we hear cortana say wake up john and then take it from there.
  16. The cut scenes in the halo games is one of my favourite parts of the game and since halo 4 is coming i have been thinking what the first cut scene could be. So i think the first scene could be in a dream that the chief is having since he is in cryo sleep, the dream could show previous clips from the first trilogy of the fights the chief had fought in with a real intense effect to it such as who ever is talkng in the dream their voice is echoing quick flashing images of different fellow soldiers he knew and fought along side such as sgt johnson and cpt keyes and also showing gravemind while hearing one of his poetic quotes from the previous games, and then like the trailer master chief then begins to hear cortana calling him for help and then he wakes up see's that they are in danger and then you take control over master chief to get of the ship. So what do you guys think and what ideas do you have for the first cut scene for halo 4.
  17. yeah i seen those pics too but i also forget where from, i think it was in a thread on this site.
  18. i want them to keep what i call "halo physics" for example when your playing matchmaking and your driving the warthog and it gets hit with and explosive and it spins uncontrollably and if you get out of it you go flying into the air or if a crate fell on you softly you would fly across the map has any of those thing ever happened to any one?
  19. @TWINREAPER. There was absolutely no need to get on like that, those insults was completely unnecessary, you're getting on like he has personally insulted you, grow up.
  20. thanks choot 'em for the update much appreciated
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