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Everything posted by Adam91

  1. I havnt read primodium yet but i have seen people posting quotes from it in other forums and in the book is says that the captive (im guessing thats the precursor prisoner) is gravemind which quite interesting can any one shed a bit more light on that?
  2. finally reached hero, now to get to legend

    1. Kurt S-501

      Kurt S-501

      i'll never reach hero. I don't play it enough.

    2. FIREN4


      i'll be a hero in about an estimated 5 matches.

    3. Adam91


      took ages to finaaly become herobut its gonna be a long time before i reach legend

  3. what are you talking about? its not a covenant ship its a forerunner shield world called sigma 7, and what do you mean "when did the flood get that" get what?, and the oracle (343 guilty spark) was destroyed by MC so he wont be in halo 4 if thats what you are saying.
  4. yeah thats right forgot about those
  5. i was watching an interview on youtube and a guy from 343i said that his cod piece isnt missing it was just replaced with a black piece and its part of the new armor he will be getting
  6. well yes obviously they're rings except the ark, i wouldnt think they would have been activated recently as there are still humans elites etc still alive, they are not destroyed apart from installation 04 then its replacement installation 04B, the ark was heavily damaged but im not sure if it was completely destroyed
  7. this dream was very odd and creepy, i was standing at the front door of my house and i heard sounds coming from somewhere, i was trying to find out where but i didnt know, then i seen and opening like a hole in the ground so i looked in and it was dark and the strange sounds came from there so i climbed down the hole to find out, and this big creepy doll was just sitting there which creeped me out so i went a bit further and then i seen ghostly figure of a woman and a small girl seemed to be mother and daughter in white standing there looking at me, so i **** myself, lol, and got out as fast as i could and as i was getting out the strange sounds came back so i tried to tell people that there was a woman and a girl down there but no one would listen then the dream ended.
  8. halo reach should have more maps like hemmorrhage, because halo 3 has got what halo reach hasnt, big wide open maps to have an all out war on with lots of vehicles which makes it lots of fun
  9. speak for yourself, i dont want halo 4 to have armor abilities and i couldnt care for firefight i find it boring
  10. you have just made a thread about forge ideas why did you make another one? not too keen on these ideas tho, it just seems you're wanting all this stuff crammed into the game, its far too much.
  11. yeah i know how you feel, halo is by far my fav game of all time but have to admit halo has the most ass holes than any other game i have played from my experience
  12. cant see how halo or any game like that will work for kinect, i dont think halo will be for kinect
  13. battle stations pacific, its not like a strategy game where your looking down on the battle map, look up some game play and see what you think
  14. here is that quote in italian, Quando il gioco è finito, il re e pedone andare nella stessa scatola
  15. im not trolling but i really dont understand whats so special about this silly character, a cat with a pop tart for a body?, very silly if you ask me
  16. the precursors were a species of beings that existed before and during the forerunner times your best going here http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/Precursor it will give everything you need to know about them
  17. full metal panic, its a very good show only has 3 series tho, what i like about it its not what you would call a kids anime its more aimed at the older generation has funny adult humor but can have a few cheesy moments but a very good show and very funny, you can find it and a lot of other aimes here http://www.watchcart....com/anime-list but i really recommend you to watch full metal panic, it has a lot of action it gets to become funny really quickly, the second season is by far the funniest. if you do check it out and you want to watch them the second series is called "fumoffu" and the third series is called "the second raid"
  18. why is a lot of people focused on multiplayer for halo 4, i think the campaign is the most exciting part to talk about.
  19. nice piece of music but imo it wouldnt fit in a halo game
  20. on the seventh day of christmas 343 gave to me 7 lousy teammates 6 Thousand credits 5 Golden Wraiths 4 Halo Games 3 Warthog Variants 2 Double Kills and a Forge pallet with a new tree
  21. ok seeing the halo 4 trailer is the hint. is the message... john wake up. i need you. please. wake up john. chief said by cortana
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