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Everything posted by Adam91

  1. will they release a halo4 beta?
  2. no it shouldnt be delayed i think they have been working on it for a few years now, and it wont become like cod, a new cod is released every year the first halo trilogy has 3 years between each one and the next trilogy will probably be the same, 3 sequels spread out within nearly 10 years is very good not like other games
  3. it does have youtube on it, i watched xbox do a presentation on the new dashboard and they said youtube will be on it skip to 1:30
  4. yes, i hope it wont be like the bing search engine where i thought we will have access to the web but its really only to browse content thats with in xbox, so i think youtube will be youtube and nothing less
  5. i cry when i run out of chocolate milk
  6. if you mean the big structure that the ship is heading towards its sigma 7,if you mean the strange creature at the end no one is sure just yet but its believed it may be a precursor
  7. listen im not claimng that i made this look a the first post i made in this thread, it did say a few days ago that i created it when i didnt i was just wanting to know why it said that, ok
  8. my number one is the soundtracks, make it that the music oozes that halo vibe and that mysterious feeling, like halo 2, man halo 2 had some amazing soundtracks also i still want it where it just defies all the laws of physicals especially for the multiplayer, for example just say your playing a mm game and a box or crate falls and softly clips you and you go flying to across to the other side of the map or youre in a warthog and it just begins to spin out of control for no apparent reason these kinda thing makes halo a hilarious game , and no i dont think the halo reach campaign had the good old classic halo feeling, same with odst and wars, but they are all good games i enjoy them, but for me no chief no classic halo
  9. How come that it said i created this thread then it now says sam created it
  10. i think that you can transfer music from a usb stick to your xbox, but you can do it the old fashioned way by putting in a cd and save it to the hard drive, or if you have an old xbox hard drive with music on it you can transfer it to your current xbox hard drive via the xbox transfer cable
  11. You spell your name with a combination of letters
  12. no we wont be seeing a remake of halo 2 and halo 3, they are already working on 3 games and we have just got the halo ce remake, for god sake halo may have the best fan community but alot of them can be so needy, we have just got a re make of halo ce and they announced a new trilogy what more do you want its getting ridiculous.
  13. then why use bing, why cant microsoft have there own search program to search xbox related topics?
  14. i dosnt let me skip any of the cut scenes, i probably just cant remember watching and just made a mistake implying that it was left out
  15. i dont mean to sound a bit rude, but if that explosive projectile that MC shot did make a blue flash on impact thats hardly gonna be some sort of indication that the covenant may return, you cant base that theory on just because the flash made the same colour that a plasma grenade makes so there for the covenant may be coming back, thats a bit ridiculous, im not saying the covenant wont be coming back but im not gonna back that theory up with that point you made, as i said before im not being rude or nasty in any way, but your other points are more reasonable
  16. thanks for that link, it would have been cool if we could access it from the game, even tho i know all the species anyway lol but still would have been a cool feature
  17. so the br will definitley be in halo 4?
  18. not too sure about the covenant 343gs is gone now i think he got his use of the covenant in halo 2 and 3, but who knows i hope the covies do come back
  19. IF ANYONE WHO HAS'NT SEEN THE LAST TERMINAL IN HALO CEA AND DOS'NT WANT TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS IN IT YET, DON'T READ THE FOLLOWING TEXT OR WATCH THE VIDEO. I wasn't sure if i should post this in the halo 4 topic or halo cea topic but since i am mainly pointing in the halo 4 direction i thought this would be the right place to post it. Ok so 343i said the terminals in halo cea will give some sort of hint/clue towards halo 4. In the last teriminal on the level "the maw" 343gs explains about the destruction of halo and near the end he talks about the libarian and says that he would like to have the company of the Prometheans he also says "but he would have to be here too". To me "he" is the didact the librarians husband and was the commander of the forerunner military, 343gs also says "without the librarian around to temper his rage, these reclaimers might almost prefer the flood" that to me may indicate that we may be seeing the didiact in the next trilogy and may be the enemy. that last bit of 343gs's dialogue i stated really confinced me. (Heres "the maw" terminal) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Od9UK0W34IY
  20. its so ridiculous to charge people just for some extra file share slots, such a joke
  21. as far as i know the covenant wont be in halo 4 so there wont be any brute shots or scarab guns or any covie weapons but i would alos like to see the br and smg
  22. thanks for the vid, so will this new update be free? will we be able to browse the internet for no extra charge
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