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Everything posted by Adam91

  1. the person above me is a legend and im sure he'll risk his life to save mine despite he said i had to much of whatever on my plate, the person below me, who ever its gonna be, is a coward who left me to die by the hands of the covenant, but deep down hes a nice guy since he has to say somthin nice about me
  2. fanboy free? im not a fanboy but i think you have the wrong site
  3. yeah i wish there was more videos about it but its not coming out until next spring i read on their website that they will have a beta for it, they didnt say when yet
  4. i have: halo 1,2 and 3 halo reach halo 3 odst halo cea (coming soon) blazing angels 2 splinter cell conviction battle stations: pacific fifa 11 burnout paradise medieval 2 total war (pc) rome total war, rome barbarian invasion rome: alxender (pc) cod mw2 cod mw3 (will be getting it on tuesday) cod blackops
  5. its not a hoax its a real game that we will be able to play in a few months the creators have a website about it bvgstudios.net go there to find out more about it, yes its not sponsored by 343i or ms its a non profit game we wont be charged just go to the website and read about it there
  6. i came across this fan made game "halo galaxy of combat" that will be coming out in spring 2012, this game is a MMOFPS game, i dont know much info yet about the story its gonna take,but it will be 100% free to play when it comes out, here is the trailer i seen on youtube, i hope it will be ok for me to post this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGXGqFIWEjI&lc=9V2miGUakUFj2sS4N2KbHqf07VJ93r3C4iYBpG6qU4Y&feature=inbox
  7. i seen this a few weeks back i think its fake, kind reminds me of the brute shot tho
  8. i know for sure that there will be achievements for the halo cea campaign, but i havnt seen any info for multiplayer achievements
  9. i called into the store they said i can pick it up when ever i want there is no deadline but then i looked at the reciept and it said i have 28 days to pick it up after the release date so ill do what it says on the receipt just to be safe because ill definitley have the money way before 28 days, thanks every one for your help it is much appreciated it was just worrying me a bit.
  10. im sure ill find away just have to try and save because theres a few games coming out next month, but wouldnt the store always have copies of games comming in, thanks for the heads up btw
  11. thanks for the info hopefully they do the same here as they do in the usa ill call them tomorrow and see what they can do
  12. i have pre ordered a game at GAME in the uk, i have only placed £5 pounds on it so far and i dont think ill have the rest when it is released, can they give me a certain amount if time after the realease date to pay the rest and pick it up, i would call them now but the store is closed can some one help
  13. yes, but do you know what the number mean or represent?
  14. if you pre-order you get the grunt funeral skull
  15. i just discovered these so a lot of you may now all about these as i tend to be one of the last to find out new info about halo lol Iron skull Grunt Funeral: Every grunts methane tank will explode when killed (only for people who pre-order the game) Malfuntion: A random part of the HUD will disappear when you respawn Grunt Birthday party: no need to explain this one Boom: explosion radius will increase two-fold i think there will be more skulls
  16. i wonder whats brewing between the humans and the sanghelli's
  17. So whats your favourite soundtrack from halo ce halo 2 and halo 3 for me my favourites are: halo ce - perchance to dream halo 2 - its gonna be a tie between impend and the last spartan halo 3 - follow our brothers
  18. imo i dont think this music fits in with anything that is halo related
  19. This maybe old news by now but does anybody know what the numbers [044657.] in terminal 2 in halo cea mean, thought it might have been an ip address but nothing showed up. Any body know anything about it?
  20. if you want to file a complaint it will have to be filed to microsoft go to the persons gamer profile select file a complaint and then select cheating, if you want to go into detail i think it allows you to put in text, but that person would have to be reported a few times for it to come into affect, not sure how many times tho, but bungie may also take on board complaints about this but im not sure where to do that myself, try looking about on their website or google it
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