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Everything posted by Adam91

  1. i couldnt put pictures in so it was only able to post the video
  2. who gave you the right to control the game?, pretending to be an employee of 343i are we
  3. they done what fans asked them to do with bloom and i few other things, i agree with the sword but the other thing you mentioned dosnt matter that dosnt impact the game play all that much, people are just nit picking now to make these changes when its not necessary nothing else needs to be changed and thats it
  4. which image of cortana did you like best and also i would like to ask why does she look different in each game can the people who programme her in the unsc change her appearance? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4VhwkfnQ2M
  5. well since in the trailer cortana is shouting a john to wake up because somthing is wrong so i would call the first level; "this is not a drill"
  6. again another pointless topic
  7. these are the MM maps that we will be getting - beaver creek/ battle canyon - hang em high/ high noon - damnation/ penance - timberland/ ridgeline - prisoner/ solitary - headlong/ breakneck -prisoner im pretty sure we are getting blood gultch as well im not sure if we are getting death island and infinity correct me if am wrong because im not 100% sure
  8. punched in the face if you had a time machine would you rather go back in time or go into the future
  9. we have had a post about this same goes with armor abilities theres been like 4 of them
  10. "If thats the way it's gonna be" - cortana insults chief from time to time through out the level
  11. it may be available to buy on xbl arcade i can really see that happening as halo ce is available but it definitley wont be playable online, it will decrease the amount of players and the popularity of the current halo that would be out at that time
  12. i couldnt imagine halo cea having custom weapons, its probaly just a small feature they added which allows you to add your countries flag on to the gun, or it may just be the colors of the unsc im not to sure
  13. maps look good, btw the firefight map is insallation 04, dont get me wrong the maps look very good and im looking forward to playing on them, just one thing that i was hoping to see was a big open map like hemorrhage where you have enough room to drive vehicles and fun with them because reach barley has maps like that
  14. not to keen on that idea i would rather let 343i make a piece of music for each level that matches the mood of it
  15. ok, why make a topic just to tell us that? welcome to the forum btw
  16. not quite sure but this may explain it http://halo.xbox.com/en-us/news/headline/the-halo-bulletin-101211-exclusive-book-excerpt-glasslands/280887
  17. I am interested on trying out for voice acting or controlling a character in the show, of course that is if you are willing to accept, if you do accept i will be available when you need me i can talk online, its something ive wanted to do and be apart of for a while, hope the show goes well i will be looking forward to seeing it
  18. i would like to try out for voice acting or control a character in your show, of course that is if your willing to accept, hope the show goes well will be looking forward to seeing it
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