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Everything posted by Adam91

  1. yeah i might be ok with that but at the minute i still say no to it , btw master chief is a man
  2. yeah but its not as brilliant as it has been made it out to be.
  3. thats it? just seems like the average own to me
  4. stop being offended because i didnt like the update and yes i was told that they were gonna have more than one playlist, and why have a massive huge article just to explain 1 small update thats harldy an update at all, maybe it was my fault i was disappointed, i dont really hate it as much as i said before it is ok but was expecting more than 1 playlist, by the way how do you download 100% ZB
  5. it was just a matter of time for a halo vs cod to be posted, i like both games i will be gettin mw3 and halo cea this year you cant compare halo to cod because they are both completely different other than they are fps, cod and battlefield would be a reasonable comparison and halo and gears of war would also be a reasonable comparison because the both share similar stories and have aliens in it and that they are sci fi games and cod and bf are based on more real life military affairs and are set during the present time, and not just that halo and cod have different in game abilities
  6. very very disappointed with the update, i was under the impression that we were getting more than a TU beta, which imo is no different to what we were playing before except that is has bleed through and some games have no bloom, there was an article posted which was like 3000 words long stating all these updates we were getting making it sound better than what it turned out to be, the article raised my expectations for nothing.
  7. black ops sold over 5 million copies on the release, theres no way black ops have only sold 7 million so far to this day
  8. ok i know that a new xbox wont be out for another few years but when it does do you think they will make it compatible for halo 4 and all the previous halo games?
  9. Does any one think that 343i will do an ARG for halo 4, i hope they do, the last ARG bungie done gave that mysterious feeling to halo. What do you think and what would it involve?
  10. no MC's name isnt john forge he only known as john we dont know is last name
  11. it's been said that halo 4 and glass lands will have a connection with each other
  12. and where is this reference
  13. wasnt halo 3 odst meant to be called halo recon at first?
  14. thats a very good idea, sounds funny
  15. what does "Exc in ev handl: TypeError: oSAPlg.oRoot.log is not a function" mean?
  16. Adam91

    check this!

    it's one of the terminals in the halo anniversary game, 343i has released two to the public you can find the other one on youtube
  17. Adam91

    check this!

    then just listen to it
  18. what do you mean, do you think this could be someone behind halo 4, i think this is a bit interesting but not sure what to think of it, what do you think?
  19. Adam91

    just a thought

    now i know that it's been announced that there will be no covenant in halo 4., well i think there isnt going to be anyway so this theory is already irrelevant but ill give it ago if there is a possibility of covenant. i know there are other prophets beside regret, truth and mercy, could they become the new loeaders of the covenant and try to rebuild it again if there were to be a new covenant obviously it will have no elites. (i will probably come across alot of other flaws in this thoery)
  20. Adam91

    Calling it.

    when was the forerunner/human war? so humans actually encountered forerunner what was the humans technology like during this war, i read a bit about this but it confused me, can you explain thanks
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