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Everything posted by DBeY

  1. MLG is going No Bloom life is complete. I also heard it might be ranked. Don't care about anything else. Back to Halo 3 ways.
  2. The amount of people that don't like Reach the way it currently is isn't represented fully by just the people who have stated their frustration. The majority of the MLG Halo community would support me. Remember Black people weren't happy with the rights they had gained with freedom, but only a few MLK, Malcom X, Rosa Parks, etc. stood up and said something leading the following revolution. Just because the change wanted doesn't seem to have the supporters doesn't mean those people don't exist. EDIT: It also said more playlist would be implemented, any info on when said playlist are going to drop?
  3. When is the Title update being applied to the entire game? If I understand the way a TU goes it's supposed to be applied to the game for everything. I'm not asking for the pistol to be 3sk in all playlist because lord knows the amount of complaints that would result in (Noobs mad at return of a skill gap). But the 85% bloom, bleed-through damage, etc. Where is it at? I knew the update was not to be implemented immediately ala early fall. But I thought the whole point of having a title update was to ya know... Update it. Having a TU Beta playlist that isn't going to go anywhere doesn't make it a Beta it makes it a playlist with different settings. I understand that people say they like the way Reach currently is and don't want it to change but that was the same scenario pre patch Halo 2 and Halo 3. You need to just take the "Title Update" out of Beta Phasing already, Anniversary is here, it's B E A Utiful and the rest of the playlist need to get with the times. Eventually people will adapt as humans always have and always will do, and enjoy the new Reach for what it should of been in the first place.
  4. Bring back Y for friends in H4, it was stupid going through the mini dash just to hit x to invite someone to your game. And bring back clans, you don't have to have a clan playlist or anything but bring back clans so we can have the return of our 2nd friends list. Xbox Live took away Halo 2 in promise of a bigger friends list but that obviously never happened.
  5. DBeY

    Halo 4 Beta

    Beta should pop up one day on your anniversary disc. It would make so much sense. I'm going to kill someone if I have to buy another Crackdown game
  6. I'm annoyed at bloom on anny as well, it was supposed to be bloom free!
  7. A single 1-50 playlist with pistol starts and ZERO BLOOM! Isn't the classic playlist supposed to be zero bloom anyways?
  8. Lol, my best friend whos more like a brother called me up to play, good job 343!
  9. Pistol starts, movement speed increase, no AA's. Me and my friend don't want to even play the other playlist. Haven't had this much fun playing halo since H2. Prisoner is just such a great map, the pace is freakn' amazing. We've been running 4's for about 3 hours and everyone agreed if there were a 1-50 rank for the playlist we would all call in sick for work 2moro.
  10. Bloom is the bane of the halo series... it's the number one thing people wanted removed because it slowed down the overall pace of the game. the betrayal thing is a complicated issue though, because removing friendly fire would allow people to spam grenades and rockets at their teammates which would drastically change game play and introduce the stick your teammate as he runs into enemy players strategy.
  11. but i played halo 3 for years. This is a new regime, this isn't Bungie's halo reach anymore it's 343's. they can do whatever they want with it. i proposing something that could just be experimental and potentially get a bigger player base.
  12. Would it be impossible to have a single 1-50 ranked playlist in halo reach? even just for a month to see how many people play it. Just Have a single Team slayer playlist no bloom where you can vote for DMR or AR starts with pistol secondary. Is it a problem with the coding of the game? a single playlist couldn't hurt and when thinking about it the traditional ranked system might just lure in a lot of players. Me and my friend always say we would play more often if the ranking system was back and I'm sure that alot of people feel the same way.
  13. He said end game kill cam, I'm in for that. Just highlighting the last kill of the match and a nice medal to go along with it. Guardian would be a nice medal to have.
  14. Time travel, and the everything comes full circle in a "Halo" makes sense. Also it was a bit creepy at the time for guilty spark to question Chief like that. Maybe the beginning is the end and time is doomed to repeat it self. I like it. The foundation is all ther layed out before our eyes. Maybe it's time to access those H3 terminals once again and see if they have any treats. Maybe we've ended the trilogy of Master Chief, and begun his trilogy as The Reclaimer.
  15. This post is beautiful... It's like your in my head. Sorry for double posting...
  16. This was exactly what I was writing in my head. Halo is the story of Master Chief. So we shall only play as Master Chief. You wouldn't play a Zelda game where Link wasn't the main character.
  17. Let AA's stay in campaign, they could make missions awesome. But get rid of them for multiplayer, halo was awesome because when everyone spawned they had the same exact weapons and grenade count which means an even playing field from the get go. AA's make you have to wonder "what does this A**hole have up his sleeve?" and it's not Halo.shooting someone until they have no shield and them watching them put their fist down like they are god almighty does help game play, it pisses me of every single time i see it.
  18. I read this before I made mine, completely agree!
  19. DBeY

    Bring back 1-50

    1-50 was the core element of H2/H3's matchmaking that made it so damn fun. Because everyone wanted a 50, so bad people would even pay for 50 accounts (I've sold my fair share in h3). The single aspect of matchmaking that made people want to come home and hop on their xbox to play halo until their eyes started to water was the chase for the 50. The 1-50 system works because you have something to lose when you enter a ranked match, so you fight all 50 kills to keep it. Have you seen Reach's Arena Population? it's horrible! Halo 2's team slayer playlist never went that low in it's entire lifespan! 1-50 IS HALO MATCHMAKING. It's your golden goose, now use it!
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