If you were constantly 100% cloaked and there were no radar jam it would be INSANELY overpowered. You could get like 20 assassinations each game it would be stupid and EVERYONE would use it. Active cam is good the way is it except if you dont move you get too much time.
If you 4 shot someone and they go into AL, THERE SHIELD WILL NOT RECHARGE IN TIME. when they pop out give them the fifth shot and there dead. If his teamates come to save him then he isnt separated from his team, you contradicted yourself here. This means that AL is almost completely dependent on your team being around you to be effective. If your alone you get beat AL doesnt change anything, your dead as soon as you come out.
Who said bloom is suppose to stop spam. No one, thats an assumption. Do you know what happens when you assume, you make an ass out of yourself. LOL
Your not even making sense here. You can build a map floating in the sky if you want to (ever played on cage). You just showed you closed mindedness. use your imagination.
I agree.