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Jackal (2/19)



  1. Absolutely there should be! This is where Firefight went wrong in Reach. Unlimited lives simply encourages reckless (read: unskilled) play resulting in the same result as skilled play. This problem is even worse in Slayer, where the point system essentially rewards both the same. Too bad the devs didn't include an xp component based on K/D. Anyway, back to Spartan Ops, here is what I would like to see: Make the missions difficult, have life limits on a per player basis. Once a player uses up their lives, they are eliminated from the mission, with no xp awarded. The remaining players continue on.
  2. Personally, I've never had an issue with it. That information comes in awfully handy at times, to be honest. Then again, I never split-screen. I could support an OPTION to turn it off or modify it - but I would still like the information.
  3. This. It's not only annoying in multiplayer, it is annoying in FF too. 40 or 50% seems like a number I could live with, if it had to be in the game.
  4. Considering that the vehicle kills on Holdout are STILL broken (it only counts if you use certain weapons), and the general lack of vehicles in Score Attack (heck, Firefight in general), it would be nice to have some way to pile up vehicle kills. And, it would add another element to Score Attack, which isn't a bad thing.
  5. I noticed it, but hoped that it might pop if I did the other 3 - no luck.
  6. Considering the numerous issues with Multiplayer (LOS problems, overpowered weapons, boosting, hacks/cheats, quitting, now I'm even seeing afk'ing in Team Slayer becoming rampant), I find Firefight the best part of the game. ODST's was much, MUCH better than Reach's however. Take the ODST model, add in Score Attack, and it's perfect. The bottom line for future Halo games...no Firefight, no purchase.
  7. If you have any computer programming knowledge, you've heard of this thing called a random number generator. This is what is used to make bloom what it is...and it's random. That's luck, tool. Wrong again, luck infers that there *are* variables. And in the case of bloom, there are.
  8. I never rage quit, but I have started to calmly leave games when the game starts and suddenly it's 2 on 4. I did quit a Bro Slayer game once when caught in a spawn trap. So long, Bro Slayer. I don't think anyone will miss you. I have also quit a couple games where the random number generator decides that I am simply not getting any headshots that game. Oh, and lag switchers. I despise them, especially when they only start after my team has been owning them. Still, I don't rage. I just calmly leave the game.
  9. My initial reaction is to feel sorry for the bagger. If they need that to make them feel good, if they get joy out of something so completely useless, then I hope they enjoy it. It doesn't bother me in the slightest. I do, however, take note of the name of said bagger. If I see that they killed one of my nearby teammates, I can usually interrupt their t-bagging with a headshot or grenade. Now I find that satisfying! Yesterday in a TS match I got 6 kills that way (including the game winner), which was pretty hilarious, imo.
  10. Daily and weekly challenges have definitely increased in cR, and I am very thankful for that. As a Noble with somewhat limited playing time, I need those challenge cR to help me make any kind of progress. Also, I can confirm that the super jackpots are in play. I got one last night for 15,157 in (I believe it was) Score Attack. It was either that or TS, not sure.
  11. I, like many others, have done it over and over (on Legendary), gotten the "correct" assassination animation, fallen and died (so height was fine), followed the instructions in the vids *to the letter*, stopped sprint earlier than in the video, put copies of the evidence in my file share...and it hasn't popped. I'm convinced it's at least a little glitched, because I have read many stories exactly like mine. I'll try the grenade trick next, if I get really bored some night. I'd love to see some kind of appeal process with 343, where I could refer them to my file share, they could analyze the clip, then award the challenge or explain why it didn't pop. They've done a ton of other things right so far, why not hope?
  12. I'm glad to see the recent increase in cR for the dailies and the weekly. Thank you 343! I'm reaching toward Eclipse (<500,000 to go!), and I enjoy doing the challenges. I would like to see the challenge payouts graduated based on rank. I'm not sure a warrant officer should be able to rank up by doing one weekly. I'd love to see General and above get one payout, while everything below General got a different payout. Thoughts?
  13. Sword block gone = good. It's also good to see that Bloom will be modified/modifiable, and I like the time-based change to AL. Well done so far!
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