Killer Gunzz
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Jackal (2/19)
Of course why not, adding even more options would be better, and I like how elites work now, I thinkit'd be amazing if you could play as a grunt, I would run around suiciding everyone all day. And credits were a good idea, just be better if you could do more with them
Bring Wuvoo or whatever its called from halo wars where scarabs shoot beams of love. I'd be happy fighting a scarab shooting a giant pink beam of friendship and snuggles.
Halo is a 1st person shooter, that's that. There shoudln't be an option or anything it's amazing how it is, no need to wreck it
I like the idea, except its not jusy you yuor gun and a grenade. you're part of an army. Either way I agree hey need to put the skill gap and just match people properly, no matter they're going to complain, there's always something if they made a game for every single person who plays halo with all the changes they could ever want I'm positive they'd still complain. I think Halo 4 should be a good combination of features from all of the other halos
I get bloom it's not necessary really. But I dont think removing AA's is the answer. I think have some playlists with them som without and a range of playlists where they're tweaked differently for different people. It'd be the best way to keep people who like Reach and people who like Halo 3 all to play halo 4. I think in halo 4 Chief could always have sprint or evade, then jack up some equipment that's for one time use. Some kind of mix, but they definetly shouldn't remove them, I'd be very disapointed if they gave up on AA after one game (where there wasn't a huge problem with them in the first place).
I like the ideas. For the bodies though I think it should work like you open a category for bodies Then select whatever body type (spartan marine elite flood or whatever they add) and it generates a random armor type and color combination then you could hit a button that creates another random OR creates a copy of the last one so you could make it look like a squad of spartans in the same squad were all killed instead of doing it over and over until you get the right ones. Also turrets LOTS of them. I love making fortresses or ships with tons of defences, but if I wanted to make a human one I'd have to use the one standard machine gun turret or place a vehicle with a gun and place a bunch of stuff so you could only use the turret and not drive it around. It severely limited its firing range and didnt look nice. With covenant same thing, plasma turret or shade then I'd have to lock up a wraith or revenant or something to use. I think they should add machine gun turrets (but alot of variations like the standard, heavy burst fire, or maybe single fire heavy rounds), Gauss turrets, rocket turrets, Heavy round turrets (shoots scorpion tank shells or something more like artillery), grenade launcher turret, etc. (and they should be a mix of the normal one they have now where it's just on a tripod and you can remove it but then you nly have 200 bullets, and sit in ones where its a like a vehicle you sit in and can shoot, but can't move). For covenant they could have shade turret, fuel rod, beam turrets (like the new covenant sniper maybe a little weaker), new phantom style turret, maybe one that shoots beams like hunters did in halo 3 (also a god mix between removeable and stationary). Adding those cool floaty scout towers covenant always use in campaign, maybe in different colors, so you could create a litte outpost or a cool entrance with guard towers. I played a map in reach where someone made a sorta zipline style transportation thing, so adding ziplines would be awesome, maybe even ladders or elevators. A scarab would be cool (maybe not in forge, but its possible if it's a seperate disk), same with a mac canon or something. A battery recharger, I always hated how covenant weapons used the batteries that couldn't be reloaded instead you'd need to find a brand new one. Adding a station or somethign to recharge batteries (with set time limits or number of uses so that people wouldn't just camp next to it) Instead of adding ships, just make good forge maps that are the interior of the ships (sorta like anchor 9 how you're inside a space station, but better for forging) A new limit system I always had the problem of never having enough of what I needed and WAY too much of random other stuff. I understand why they limit stuff, but I always had to remove cool things I wanted in my map due to lack of space, maybe adjust the budget based on the size of objects not a limit for each category. Those are a few ideas I have I have more but this is getting too long and boring to keep adding to so I leave the rest to the other members of the Halo community in my opinion it would work good if they had a great campaign and firefight on disk 1 Have forge, custom games, and Matchmaking on disk 2. and have theatre on both since you'd want videos from both disks it'd be much more convenient.
I think it'd be awesome if jun showed up. We never did find out what happened to him, for all we know he could've saved six last minute and we get both of them. Doubt it but always hopeful, reach pretty much changed the story and I grew to like noble team I wouldnt mind another team of spartans. As long as they're convincing and feel like a family, and if SOME not all were killed off in heroic ways like noble was. But I agree with people saying they should seperate from Covies and UNSC (other than spartans). And I heard somewhere that 343 already has a whole story for 3 more games planned out with brand new enemies so I doubt it'd be a problem, a change of pace is always welcome.
I want to see a better falcon for multiplayer. In the campaign it was fun, I get it might be unbalanced and that they'd need to make it weaker for multiplayer but the standard one just isnt that much fun in multiplayer. But maybe like a warthog style turret on the front the pilot and then just let people sit in the back or a grenade launcher variant. Just something to make it more fun, I doubt that it would be harder to beat than a hornet from halo 3 so they definetly could add it, I'm not expecting it since it'd be a huge thing to add, but maybe in a future halo. Just some food for thought
As long as there are playlists with mechanics like they have now. I don't feel they're overpowered I think they could definetly counter all of them easily, armor lock was amazing getting stickies thrown off you was so much fun. I get people are complaining and they could make changes, but this seems drastic. I'm happy about bleed through mostly though. As long as I can keep playing like I am now I'll be happy, and would like to try new mechanics too, just not be forced to use them. Also the assault rifle needs a tune up I would never use it anymore it's terrible now.
Pffft Nubs I'm a Major
Earlier today me and my friend were playing the last level on legendary, so after a while we finaly finished and then we got to lone wolf. so we lasted a whopping 30 seconds before they got us, but it was enough to finish the level. But during the cutscene I noticed my normally all black Spartan was all white. Figuring it was just my TV acting up I ignored it, but then when they showed the helmet it was a brand new helmet I've never seen before and was also all white. It looked like a Mark V helmet but on both sides there were what looked like either camera's or flashlights attached by hooks (this was during the scene where reach was glassed and in flames). Then during the next scene instead of the white Mark V it was a pink Commando helmet (Carters). This happened to me once before except It was operator helemt (which I had on) but it had a slightly different attachment. My friend who was playing saw his helmet and the only difference was in the scene with the grass his helmet became pink too (but it was still the helmet he had on). I was just curious if anyone else has had this happen to them, and what the helmets were.