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  • Location
    London, UK
  • Interests
    Modding, Programming, Photoshop, Graphic Design, Web Design

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Xerax's Achievements


Jackal (2/19)



  1. Legend, gotta rank up before CEA. My personal challenge.
  2. Sergeant Johnson Halo 2, Outsirts intro
  3. Oh hey twin. And nah, polycount is too hugh, It might go into crysis if im lucky. I made this when i was still a nub in 3ds (i still am ).
  4. Cortana: Bet'cha can't stick it Master Chief: You're on. -Halo 2 Demo, E3 2004
  5. Fattwam. It's Rogue Modder from IBM. I need to talk you you about something :P i added you on MSN/AIM. :P

  6. I modelded it in 3ds max 2011. The video took 2 hours to render since It's not a model thats in-engine due to the polycount (around 200k, I'm a lazy modeler), Halo 2 (the most recent halo game we can inject custom models into via modding) can't handle that many at all.
  7. I did some test work on a building from New Mombassa. It's old, but i want some new CnC. (This work is about a 9 months old.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=807-31s9Lzk
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