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Halo 4's Forge...an absolute failure. Two massive steps back from what Reach's forge was. Hell, from what I've managed to do in forge already, it just looks like 343 took Reach's broken forge system, and multiplied it 100 fold. And I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but everywhere you look on Erosion, you'll see some grotesque gaping seams. Some of them, you can flat out fall through. Not only that, but 343 actually managed to destroy the definition of symmetry with this game. Doesn't matter how hard you try, on all 3 forge maps, nothing you'll do will ever make a map symmetrical, which you could easily accomplish in Reach. Symmetrical maps on Impact are next to impossible to create because of how terrible the broken forge system works on that map. Not even joking, using the nudge tool, or magnets will make a map look symmetrical enough, but if you just look at the map from above, it's blatantly obvious that the map you intended to be symmetrical is horribly out of proportion thanks to the forge mechanics. Hell, just like in Reach, some of the "symmetrical" forge pieces you have aren't even symmetrical when placed on opposite facing sides of one another. In any case, I don't care much for the size of the maps...I'm more focused on how 343 actually managed to take Halo Reach's broken forge system and made it even more broken with H4. I'm not at all focusing on the lack of gametypes, certain tools and other options Reach had...I'm just absolutely amazed by the fact how 343 literally managed to turn the forge system upside down on its head and in a 180, and gave it a nudge in the opposite direction of where Halo 3's and Reach's Forge systems went. What does that mean? That means 343 actually accomplished the impossible feat of regressing the mechanics of Forge, despite all of the advanced tech and programs they have at their disposal. To put it simply; Halo 4's Forge is broken beyond repair, and has gone backwards on the evolutionary timeline of Forge. Halo 4's forge is far worse than anything that has been seen in Halo since H3. Nuff said.
- 105 replies
- forge
- halo: reach
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So, I don't know if this has been stated already. But there are some serious issues with the Forge maps in this game. Erosion: looks like it was made by some mad scientist who forgot how to properly stitch body parts back together. Not even joking, there are horrible stitching problems and grotesque gaps in the seams of the map, it's actually funny. Not only that, but for some reason, some of those gaping seams are just, and I mean JUST, wide enough for you to fall through. Though the gaping seams may not seem like they are big enough to allow a seven foot tall super-soldier to pass through them, some will let you fall through them. And these problems aren't just in isolated areas of the map. Oh no, these stitching problems and gaping seams are prevalent throughout the ENTIRE MAP. Impact: Just absolute terrible forge mechanics on this map(not just this map alone, every single map in the game has terrible forge mechanics; just that Impacts terrible forge mechanics are more noticeable). Some forge items will still move after you've placed and locked them(just like in Reach any forge item will move from it's original position). Not only that, but making a symmetrical map on Impact is next to impossible with the way 343 made the Forge system work. No matter how much effort you can put in to make a symmetrical map on Impact, there will be terribly noticeable discrepancies in the map that don't flow with the symmetry, especially when you look at the map from above. There's also quite a few glitches on this map. Won't say where they are, you peeps will just have to find them on your own. Ravine: just like with Erosion, there are terribly noticeable stitching errors in this maps. Not as many gaping seams as in Erosion, but the stitching errors make the map unattractive. And this is the one map(that I know of at this point in time) where you can actually have someone push you through with a grid or large object while you're in monitor mode. While 343 did pay attention to details on this map(perhaps the most out of any map in the game), the stitching errors are still noticeable, albeit fewer than in Erosion. Although Ravine doesn't seem to have as many problems as the other two maps, there are still problems with the maps forge mechanics, just like on Impact(albeit less noticeable). And more problems with this map are still being discovered, like area's that you can access and hide in with the aid of a jetpack if and when this map is released into matchmaking. Overall, Forge as a whole was an utter disappointment. 343 took the innovativenes, yet broken aspects, of Reach's forge system and multiplied that by 10 fold. In other words, Halo 4's Forge system is an absolute failure, worse than Reach's forge system(I'm actually surprised that 343 managed to make the forge system in this game even more terribly broken than Reach's). And all of this doesn't apply to just the three maps I've mentioned. No. All of the maps in Halo 4 are affected by this disappointment of a broken forge system. No map you'll ever create on any map will be without problems associated with the broken forge system in this game. Love how 343 made such an emphasis on the forge maps and forge system being spectacular, when in reality no real effort was put into the maps at all in terms of minor details and no effort to fix the problems of Reach's broken forge system and mechanics was made at all. If anything, 343 actually tried to make the forge system even more terrible than Reach's.
Been having the same problem with certain campaign missions. First it was the Requiem mission, game froze before the first checkpoint and returned me to the title screen after 10 or 20 seconds of being frozen. Installed disc, still didn't work(before I installed the second disc; even after second disc installed still didn't work). Went and got a new disc, worked fine. Went through Requiem without any problems. Then the Forerunner mission comes around. After killing the first Knight you encounter(after the hoard of Crawlers and when Cortana mentions the Knights for the first time). Go through the door, and as soon as I reach the point where you find the cache of Suppressors, Boltshots and pulse gernades, game freezes and returns me to the title screen after about 10 or 20 seconds. Asked a friend to help me out by playing coop on the next mission(the jungle mission), worked like a charm through the whole mission. After scaring off the giant floating ball, mission ends and prepares for the next mission...and I get returned to the title screen after about 20 seconds of black screen. Tried loading up that mission that didn't start for me but did for my friend, and I still got returned to the title screen. Thus, I can't do s*** with the campaign without skipping missions. Not a single scratch on the disc, so campaign should be working perfectly fine, but it's not. Friends say it's my XBox, which is only 3 and a half years old. But every other game I play works fine...except the one's that are scratched. So, in other words, Halo 4 is broken and is a derp game.
I hope everyone here knows that the Raider armor set is a supplement to the Hayabusa armor...
Halo 4: Some Multiplayer Mode Changes Coming Next Week
sheesh1991 replied to Adam91's topic in Announcements
Jebus...enough with Haven already, it's the worst map to be playing any gametype on except for Oddball. To be honest, I think Haven should be removed from the game entirely. And for crying out loud, update the playlists with some new maps already. And for the love of god, get rid of Ragnarok. And last but not least, will you stop paying attention to the matchmaking already and focus on giving us screenshot artists what we want most? Theater mode for Campaign?(which by the way I can't seem to do sh__ with as certain campaign missions either freeze on me and return me to the menu, or just flat out don't work and return me to the menu) Also, fix matchmaking entirely, it's broken. Fix your game, 343.- 64 replies
- Halo: Reach
- Oddball
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So, flew through the first mission with no problem whatsoever. Get to the second mission, as just before I'm to walk into the light, the game freezes but the music is still going. After about 15 to 20 seconds, the campaign exits to the menu. Installing it on my hard drive right now to see if that'll work, but so far this hasn't been a good start for me. Anyone else having the same problem as I am? EDIT: Welp, looks like I won't be beating the campaign. Still freezing and returning to the menu, same place same mission. Even after the games been installed on my hard drive. 343, seriously, you need to make a patch if you want to make me happy. So far, I ain't happy.
So, I just heard from a friend that there won't be any theater mode for campaign? Someone please tell me it ain't true.
Nice map. Like the aesthetic feel to it. Is this made to simulate something like...I dunno like it's in space or something?
Alright, I'm not going to be brash and blunt about this like a few other posters were. You're not alone bro. When I first started using Forge when Halo Derp first came out, all of my maps were VERY BASIC. I had no forging skills whatsoever, so they all looks much like what you have here. But this is a start. It's a pretty basic symmetrical layout you have going on, good for 2v2 at the most. But it could use quite a bit more to it. Instead of using the buildings that you're already given as your main bases for each team, fool around a bit with the different shapes and blocks that you have available to give you some sort of idea for a base. Take the map that I posted up for example, Regenesis: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/14501-regenesis/. Red base was created entirely out of 3x4 blocks and Y-shaped landing platforms, as well as a few decorative pieces. It doesn't need to be complex, it can be as simple as having an area of blocks for the floor, and maybe some walls and struts to give the base some kind of structure. From there, you can add onto it however you see fit. As for the layout of the map, I'd suggest perhaps expanding it a little bit, adding some extra pathways between each base and a main floor, or "killing grounds." And this is a must for all competitive maps with bases, there should be at least three or four different ways in and out of the bases. That way, there's an even balance of exits so people can make a quick getaway if they ever become spawn trapped. Also, make sure you have designated spawn zones for each team, otherwise you'll have reds spawning in blue base directly behind a group of blues, and no one wants that on a symmetrical 4v4 competitive map. Not only that, but you need to make sure there's an ample amount of cover for people to hide behind in order to regenerate their shields. I can see you have some cover, but it's not enough for a symmetrical map. And then there's the spawning. Make sure that when you're making a symmetrical map, that when you put down initial spawns you don't have a direct line of sight of the other teams initial spawn. You need to have some kind of structure between red and blue initial spawns so that there's at least three to four seconds of "no contact" at the start of the round before either team will see each other. On top of that, make sure you have AT LEAST 120 spawn points on the map, and equally spread out between both sides of the map. But overall, this is a good start to a very basic beginners map. Once you become accustomed to the full extent of the mechanics of Forge, you'll be forging HUGE close quarters maps, moderate sized enclosed maps, and very tight open-air maps. If you take the advice given to you here and by others, then you should have no problem turning this map into the latest matchmaking worthy competitive map. But my advice to you is to take it slooooooow. A "map" is created by those who are not very familiar with the mechanice of Forge and throw a variety of random objects on the canvas, add a few spawns and set the kill zones and safe zones, and that's that. A good map is created by those who know how to work with the mechanics of Forge, and take the time to really understand what's what and where to put certain things to make the map, as well as put in some effort and time to make the map nice and organized. A great map is created by those who are very familiar with the mechanics of forge, and take a large amount of time and patience to really make the map look the way they really envisioned it to look like, while still taking enough time and effort to make the map functional, balanced and very effective at making a game of slayer...a great game of slayer. Meh, sorry for the tl;dr. I just thought I'd let you know what you really need to do to make this map of yours really work the way you envisioned it to be. "I used to be a forger like you...then I caught the forge epidemic." Seriously, I wasn't much of a forger until a year after Halo Derp came out. And since I'm a perfectionist, I put a lot of time into getting familiar with the mechanics of Forge, and an equal amount of time and patience into making my maps the way I envisioned them to be. I once spent at least 3 months on one map in Forge World before finishing it and called it Terminal 4. But...the next day when I went to go fix something, it had magically been overwritten by a default Battle Canyon map. So, the Forge World map I spent a great amount of time and care to getting just right was magically turned into a Battle Canyon map...luckily, I had an earlier save of the map with the basic layout of it already done, so I started back up on that about 4 months ago and have been slowly and patiently working on it since. All I need now is the spawn points. So you see, all it takes is time and patience to make the next matchmaking map. You have what it takes to make this map the next matchmaking worthy map. All you need to do is get accustomed to forge, and really spend a lot of time on this map. Again, time, effort, and patience is the key to making a great map. Put that into a map, and you've become a legit forger.
No prob. I like a good map when I see one. But this map, this is more than just good. It's frackin' epic.
Definitely a good lookin' BTB map. Looks like a decent aesthetic map too. Loving that huge radio dish in the center of the map. Though, I gotta say that for a map as large as this, you'd want to balance out the map with two snipers for both teams. At least that's what I would do for a large BTB map as big as this. But overall, looks like a great map.
This looks like a great One-Flag map; flag at the back end of the lower map where the defending team spawns, while the attacking team spawns at the top of the cliff. Nice map.
Holy sheez...this is definitely a matchmaking map right here. Definitely downloading this map. Dude, seriously. Well done. I'm a perfectionist, and when I see a map as perfect as this...well, let's just leave it at that. But I'm not kidding, this map is perfect, and it is most certainly a matchmaking map.
This looks like a very clean map. Looks like you put a lot of time and heart into it. Like how you used the columns as supports for the bridges. And I really like how you used the land bridge connecting the island with the mainland as your forging spot. Really nice looking map.
Hmm, looks nice and clean. Though I'm not particularly fond of those catwalks. You know what would be cool? If those catwalks were to be elevated a bit more so that they're up in the trees. You know, like those canopy tours you see in some national forests where the bridges are suspended between each tree and connect to platforms around the trees. But from what I can see, it looks like a nice map as it is. Have you had it tested?