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Jackal (2/19)



  1. It is because it is not a hard drive it is a memory unit...
  2. Oh and the first point you gave against AL was the EXACT reason it was put into the game >.<
  3. Bloom is not gone it was just put back behind the blinds. I say blinds because it will be "adjustable" as in you adjust what you see (the mechanics of it are still there...
  4. So basically the bloom is still there it is just behind the curtain unless the player want to see it (which helps with timing shots)
  5. Have you ever played a battlefield game? You can swap between the views and it works great it depends on what you are trying to accomplish for getting from A to B fast first person is best but if you are driving around trying to be an efficient driver/gunner combo then third is better. It would be nice in Halo if they gave the driver an extra item in the HUD to tell with seats are occupied and the health of the occupant (like in CE)
  6. It is similar but not always the same people do what they like that is the beauty of it and different playlists have a "look" to them where some armor that is common in one is hardly used in another.
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