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Gold likes epic

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Everything posted by Gold likes epic

  1. No point in arguing bloom with fools like you really. They are removing it.
  2. If you knew how bloom worked you would know how to play the game and you don't. kthnxbai
  3. A person does not need to understand the exact physics of a basketball or jumping in order to understand that it is easier to dunk on a 5 ft hoop than a 10 ft hoop.
  4. Bottom line is no bloom makes the kill times much faster and has has been proved in videos. You are full of ****. I will get back when I have more to say but for now all I can say is lol.
  5. You still get your bloom in other playlists. If you like armorlock well then the joke is on you.
  6. Yeah but bungie has been known to be bad at there own games.
  7. You can't get used to bloom, its random. I've been putting up with it. Reaper is talking bull **** not the truth. The TU is coming out to fit with the remake maps, to give a more classic feel. Not every playlist will have no bloom so if you like your dumb random bloom play the playlists its in. Saying "the haters are getting what they want" is the dumbest thing I've heard. i343 is trying to give the fans what they want.
  8. no bloom = much faster kill times. its a good thing.
  9. Well good for you. Bloom is still random. My DMR stats is: Kills: 15,198 | Deaths: 7,806 It would seem I win most battles with it and I know what I'm dong. Nope its still random BS.
  10. You must be lucky or something cos 1 nade kills me all the time. I've got used to them but I'd still like them to be a little less powerful.
  11. Sup, I like you unlike some of the idiots on this forum.

  12. The bloom has spoiled the game and that's why we are having no bloom playlists in th TU. Thank you 343. <3
  13. http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/CareerStats/medals.aspx?player=Gold%20likes%20epic
  14. What the hell are you talking about? "tell me, how the [proj], [weap], [chud], and [effe] tags work" How would I know how they work? I didn't make the game ya know. One thing is for sure though I have put hundreds of hours into playing this game and I have used the DMR so much so I think I know how bloom works and if its random or not. At the end of the day this is just IMO. I'll end with this quote which one of my friends said the other night: "Reach encourages spamming by not allowing players to kill fast enough in regards to the environment and moving speed. Spamming is very effective, but still leaves its success to chance"
  15. Sorry bro I'm just not a fan, I just like playing small maps that don't have vehicles. Keep in mind I've known to have a little fun in Big Team Battle with some vehicles but I'd still prefer just to play squad slayer or sometimes Team Slayer.
  16. No In CE, the pistol had slow acting bloom at high ROF's, but not nearly what Reach has. Some people never notice. Halo 2 and 3 never had that. In each burst in Halo 3, each bullet that comes out is increasingly random, but that is not controllable like bloom. There is NEVER a perfect firing rate. Someone can always shoot a little faster and get lucky. You can use the honor system and pace correctly given a certain range, and that will almost always be outdone by someone who shoots just a bit faster. Everyone spams at close range. The range where the line between spam and pace starts to blur at mid range, where a majority of battles happen. This is terrible for competition. Bloom is a manipulation of randomness. A lot like poker. You can set up a situation well, knowing full well what you are going to do, and not what your opponent will do. Then, once both people commit to their strategies, the determining factor is luck. Always luck. THAT is why bloom is a bad mechanic.
  17. I like the idea man. I think another good idea would be if they bring back the 1-50 rank system and have no AA's in the ranked playlists and some AA's in the social playlists. That's just my idea though but you have a good idea as well.
  18. When you wake up in the middle of the night saying "Rockets up in 10 seconds" EDIT: I stress over the rockets a bit too much.
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