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Everything posted by weckles

  1. What if firefight started with a hot drop in a forged map and instead of a fixed area have it in a large scenario with the enemies already down there fighting for control. Firefight could become a control scenario yet they still come in waves. Just a spontaneous thought.
  2. Well a forge only warthog could be different than the average warthog with a turret. They could change the setup of the normal hogs and have it so the engines in the back replacing the turret and since there's more room back there then up front it could be pretty fast compared to the others at least by 10 or 15%. And the front could be a place to hold weaponry. However the hog could only hold two people but that's not much different from gameplay anyway. Although that warthog could have (i say could have) a booster canister with a limit that doesn't refill located beneath the hog and, when shot or hit by a grenade, could go boom and completely destroy the hog.
  3. I think that if we could dual wield swords that instead of always having lunge that lunge would come at a cost. Say two swords equals 2 lunges or one long lunge but at the cost of armor ability or shield strength reduction. Or just single sword two lunges take away the length of a Sprint and it has to recharge before lunge can come back. Say the twice as long lunge sacrifices armor strength for that extra mobility requirement. Just a thought.
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