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armored penguin

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Everything posted by armored penguin

  1. made by me http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=20939324&player=AmOreD PengUin
  2. when u think babies are grunts and u punch them in the face
  3. can i haz invite to play date to(i have good skill )
  4. awesome sounds like its gonna be great
  5. nice now players can't get a "lucky shot" it takes more skill now good work 343
  6. i wouldnt mind to play GT: amored penguin
  7. i joined a couple weeks ago but didnt entroduce myself properly. my name is nathan, im a big fan of halo(and a beast player) and i joined this site to meet new people and have fun
  8. just a small and somewhat useless wish but, the abillity to change the color of the other vehicules in forge besides the mongoose. or is that to cartoon-ish of a wish, idk you decide and a more logical wish, to pilot pelicans and phantoms, or destructable scenery like in the battlefeild series.
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