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Everything posted by Daitor

  1. True, and I agree completely, it adds depth and realism to the gameplay. I didn't say I disliked bloom, I love how bloom mixes things up and increases the skill gap. It's just that it bothers me sometimes to always have to focus on pacing your shots. And it's even more frustrating if you make the right decision (spam or pace) and still lose because of how spamming is a tiny bit more effective than intended. I love bloom and I will love it even more when it works perfectly. I'm just saying a zero bloom classic playlist will be a welcome change, because it requires a lot less focus if you can just point and shoot. And it will be more fun.
  2. Agreed big time. Everyone complains about armor abilities, how some are abused and break the game. All these problems (if they are even problems) can easily be fixed by having armor abilities available as pickups. Look at MLG, they've got the right idea. No entire teams jetpacking, just two jetpacks that are used for surprise attacks. they will and should also be more effective, because nobody expects anyone to jetpack in MLG. Just one example of why that would just be so much easier, more balanced, and MORE FUN. Which is what playing video games is all about, amirite?
  3. I never really disliked bloom in Reach. (it isn't new to the series either) The concept is great, it adds to the skill gap. Noobs or bad players will have a hard time pacing their shots while keeping their aim on their enemy, so the better player should get the kill most of the time. It also feels very rewarding to take out an enemy shooting calmly when he is spamming furiously and can't hit you once. However, watching MLG Anaheim brought out the darker side of the same coin for me. It was always there, but I didn't really bother with it. Sure, spamming will sometimes grant you a lucky kill that you "did not deserve", but it is still random and not the most reliable choice to make. In theory, that is. Spamming at close range in Reach is obviously the better decision, however it is actually more efficient to keep spamming instead of waiting for your bloom to reset (which takes ages). And the "acceptable spam range" is a bit too large, in my opinion. The ability to take a risk by spamming the trigger is acceptable, however the game shouldn't make its success rate greater than the odds of getting the kill by pacing your shots. And that is the case for Reach. It brings out frustrating moments. What does this have to do with MLG Anaheim? I've seen shots being missed that should have hit, and i've seen shots hit that should have missed. The effect of bloom not functioning perfectly is much greater on a competitive level like MLG. I got frustrated, and I wasn't even playing. Reach the way it is works, but like I've said a lot so far, it can get frustrating sometimes. Most of the frustration comes from the jerks that abuse game mechanics such as armor abilities (but that's another story), but some of it comes from missing that clutch headshot or getting out-DMR'd at medium range by someone spamming. So while there is no reason to complain, a small change would be welcome. My word on these changes: Removing bloom entirely for certain playlists has certainly caught my attention. Reach without bloom would be totally different, and while the skill gap may be reduced a bit (but can be increased again by other game mechanics), not having to keep an eye on bloom will really be a welcome change and a pleasant feeling. All you have to do is aim and strafe, and you will be able to focus on other things. Such as enjoying the game. However, bloom was added amongst other reasons as a balance issue. Removing it completely causes the weapon balance to collapse almost entirely. How will the DMR be better than the pistol at long range? Who will want to pick it up? Will the pistol not dominate everything? I assume the two won't be able to co-exist in the same playlist, UNLESS their firerates are adjusted. I am really interested in 343i's solution to this issue, because playing halo again without having to worry about bloom will certainly be a pleasurable experience. Quick question: how will the zero bloom pistol work in CEA? Zero bloom, but with the same firerate and damage (5-shot) as the way it is now? Or an exact copy of the relatively slow-firing, 3-shot kill CE pistol? Reducing bloom to 85% is also interesting. Of course I will have to play and see how bloom will be better or worse, but I do have some worries about this. Bloom should punish spammers and reward pacers more than the way it is now, right? My fix for this would be to increase the max bloom, and decrease the bloom reset time. Won't decreasing bloom allow spam to dominate at even further ranges? Or will the "bloom decrease" just keep the max bloom and increase the bloom reset rate? All in all, I am really interested in and looking forward to the changes being made by 343i. Not because I've always wanted the removal or fix of bloom, but because it is a welcome change. When Original Reach gameplay becomes frustrating or so, I will be able to hop back to a bloom-free classic experience, and be assured every shot will be where I want it to be. and play for FUN, if for some reason I can't find it in the original playlists. Or maybe i will like the 85% bloom playlist more and play that all the time. Even better. One thing is sure: I will experiment with bloom and all other settings myself to see which gametype I like the most. Because after all, a big part of it is just personal preference...
  4. There is no such thing as failure. There is only delayed success.

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