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Everything posted by kojiden

  1. Limited was my favorite firefight gametype. It's the only gametype that has 4 people and actually requires anything resembling skill. When you have infinite lives and infinite fuel rod ammo, the game is no longer fun anymore.
  2. From what I remember when Bungie had the reigns, if people quit a number of times people would get a temporary matchmaking ban. I've started playing ever since I got gold again, and clearly this isn't working. We need harsher quitting penalties. I think it should be something like the FIRST quit giving a 5 minute ban, then each quit after that accumulates 5 more minutes of ban time (so first quit would be 5 minute ban, second would be 10 minute ban, third would be 15 minute ban, etc). The problem with having it so that there is no ban unless you quit X times, people will quit until they get to that X. There needs to be temp bans on the first quit. And the quit progress would reset each day. Just now I played in campaign, and 2 people voted for normal and I voted for none of the above. Then I switched to heroic in hopes that we'd at least play heroic. Then the last person voted for normal. So they all voted for normal. Then when we play they all quit. This is so retarded. I've started giving everyone who quits negative feedback but it's not helping at all. I'm getting about ready to quit Halo Reach.
  3. It was the only firefight gametype I liked. Firefight arcade is boring because you have unlimited lives and everyone picks the gametype with infinite rocket launchers and infinite fuel rods. It's mindless and not fun. Firefight limited was fun.
  4. "Tank beats everything!" Random marine (Halo 3)
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