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Mr. DJ

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Posts posted by Mr. DJ

  1. oh and hers a nother one of my favorit qoutes


    You...are...a...fridge...with wings,' Fang ground out, punching an Eraser hard with every word. 'We're...*******...ballet...dancers.'


    haha i remember reading that.



    My favorite guote "Son of a (insert reason why someone stops talking)"

  2. I just got to 100 post so i want to make a dedication think like other people did for 500th post and stuff.

    I'm really happy by the way.


    I would like to thank:


    Donut: for being one of the reason's i came back to the forum and stayed. And teaching me to get better at halo. (by shooting me in the head) :o


    Azaxx: for being nice and not ignoring me... and being the other reason i stayed on this sight for more than... five minutes. :D


    Ms. Mystic: For being nice/scary and making me not be a moron to everyone. I would be a lot more negative/impolite if it wasn't for her.


    ZB-85: for being nice and saying 'hi DJ' every time i commented no the chat box. :)


    Luke: for being nice and saying nice things about me. :)


    Noah: for being awesome and funny, and for talking to me. :)


    EVERYONE ELSE: I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for all of you. I'm really happy and thanks.







    (looking back i should have waited for my 200th post)

    • Like 3
  3. hello. hi. just so you know, everyone else is highly polite so... please don't use cusswords, post bad pictures, talk about me, or any other bad stuff... other than that, nice to have you on board and i hope you have the most fun possbile.

  4. I didn't know that could get that many replies and 5 minutes... :o *faints* you guys are awesome... so about that staying thing.. can i upgrade from the green room to the purple soon. (yes i know. 200 posts. give me a week.) :fun:

  5. hi, i forgot to do this so i am now.


    I like a Halo and I like X-box and I like gameing so that is why I made an account here. My goal is to... get a purple name and maybe a cookie to... i like cookies.

  6. As soon as I get a excellent capture card, I will be doing a Halo 3 Machinama. I will get about 20 gigs of hours of game play footage saved, and then use it to make a million hour long video for us to watch. ^_^. I don't really know when the server will shut down, so I want to do this while I still can. I would like to know everyone who would help with this. ;) Anyway, we can start this whenever, because I can always save it in theater, so if you're willing to play Halo 3, and have it recorded, then thank you.


    P.S. If you want me to i can edit out some parts.


    P.P.S. I can't edit out every single time you die.


    P.P.P.S. If you have some maps it would be appreciated. I don't want to have to build 200 good maps from scratch.


    P.P.P.S.S. I'm happy to answer any questions.


    P.P.P.S.S.S. We will be recording whenever there is enough people online. And when I'm online, which is every other day.


    X.B.O.X.3.6.0. what is with all the PS's Xbox is so much better. It has halo! :laughing:


    Edit: I think I will be using this capture card: http://www.roxio.com/enu/promotions/landing/machinima/game-capture/console/overview.html?source=yt12_gc_pre

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