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Mr. DJ

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Everything posted by Mr. DJ

  1. I also want some just plain HUGE maps bigger than any other map so far... but for everything we have asked for halo 4 could be $80-$100 dollars, so I'll be happy with what ever the developers do.
  2. their should be atlest some human weopons from all the ones that were on the ship that might have fallen off when it is crashing
  3. gemini and warlock remake. everything else new... and foundry and sandbox remake.
  4. didn't like my post so... I like cake. ANyway I agree with Mystic
  5. armour should be like reach but have requirements like beating a certain mission on Legendary
  6. lol win by angel. mkcrow00 should just be quiet.
  7. They got lost in High Charity on the Ark I think. GOne then I quess
  8. exactly what Azaxx said. I forgot that part of the definition...
  9. prophet of humor Power: makes people laugh. (he is the polar opposite of me) He is a pacifist and likes laughing. he invented jokes for the covenant and got murdered for makeing a joke about the forrunners. but he came back as a ghost for a joke.
  10. ONI is part of the UNSC and gets all it's everything from them. they wouldn't be enemys
  11. WORST?!?! It's like the best
  12. WORST?!?! It's like the best
  13. Mr. DJ

    Halo 4 3rd-Person?

    if 343 wants you to be in the shoes of the cheif, i'm pretty sure that it will be first person
  14. splazers definatly. I also hope that there are some crashed covanant ships and covanent weopons on there.
  15. I can't wair for the campaign. It looks SO fun!!!
  16. Mr. DJ

    Halo 4 perks

    I'm buying it no matter what. seriously
  17. Katanas everywhere and hayabusa unlocked when you get 1 skull! who's with me? I actually like hayabusa armour. I was sad that there wasn't any in reach.
  18. wow. I think you could have made a better title. Halo still has a good amount of people. Some people i know are waiting for halo 4 because they didn't care for CEA and their hasn't been a new game since reach besides that.
  19. They will have to make a whole new enemy. The forrunners are dead storyline wise, and so are the precoursours and such... It will have to be some new enemy, because the flood is defeated and the covenant is defeated. and I think most fans are tired of them. I would like the covanant weopons and vehicles to stay. (banshees)
  20. I have one other remake and this one is better
  21. I know right? i have bad connection and sometimes our internet goes out, which leaves me offline and not getting any credits.
  22. I think you have your times wrong. i think it only went up to general and then they added more and you kind of got confused on the times
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