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Mr. DJ

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Posts posted by Mr. DJ

  1. In my opinion, cod is a utter pile of garbage, and halo is a fantastic game. and in my opinion, anyone who plays cod is a idiot. I respect that other people may disagree, and not everyone who plays it is, but from personal experiences, that's the conclusion i come to.

  2. The Precoursours made the flood as a failsage for if the forunners defeated them. read the halo wikia. seriously. do it. now. it's actually simple. the forunners were like the humans, and the precucers were like the forunners in their time. the precourcers were there first. they had a war with the forrunners. the forrunners won. the precourcers unleased the flood

  3. the chopper back, the hornet back, the prowler, and the worthog, and the scorpian with a driver usable turret, and a anti-air wraith. maybe a forunnet vehicle like a worthog, but floats and has a laser in the back. like a sentinal laser

  4. I would like the halo 3 ranking system, but with two ranks, one that judges skill, by using the games you win and lose, and one you rank up for getting exp for playing. As for armour, it should be like the halo 3 armour system. halo reach's was kind of pointless, because anyone could have any armour, You should have to work to get armour. I would like it if you could only have certain armour if you had gotten in the top (insert number here) higest skill.

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