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brown intruder

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  1. not really, i have played on plenty of dedicated servers with hardly any lag... it depends on where you are in relation to the server. but if you had read that i wrote that the servers should be region filtered, you would not have needed to write, all that you just wrote. the miniscul lag that you talk about in halo 2????? lol. i live in the EU, and i remember playing in games of halo2 where everyone was from the EU, with one player from the US, and the US player would get host?? and the lag and latency would be hideous for everyone else! in the two years that i played halo2, i can honestly say that i have never exerienced such a broken matcmaking system, and that the lag/latency was the worst that i have seen. i dont want to see halo4 return to this
  2. i dont remember saying reach was perfect.... it is infact far from it as you have pointed out. what region do you live in dude??
  3. Ok, after playing all the halos on-line, it is obvious that halo 4 needs to do somethings different to improve on-line game hosting. Yeah the matchmaking is good, 100x better than halo2, and better than halo3, but it is far from perfect. I live in the EU, and never in a million years would I knowingly join a game hosted in the US or asia. not because I dont like my american cousins, but because I want to play games where lag and latency is minimal! playing on a game hosted on the other side of the atlantic, where the data has over a 12k mile round trip, is not my idea of fun. factor in australians, and players from japan(all 100 of them lol) and new zealand, and it just creates games unplayable. so, here is what I think 343i MUST do to make the game as enjoyable as possible, and maintain as long as possible a large and active community.... Dedicated region filtered servers for big team battle it is obvious that microsoft has made a container load of cash out of the halo franchise, and it is about time they re-invested a little bit into the on-line multiplayer. for me, there should be dedicated servers for all BIG games, and these by default should be region filtered. I.E: if you live in asia, then you will atomatically be put into a game with people in your region... same for US and EU players aswell. but with an option to join the lag fest multi region should you wish.... Region filtering by default, for all competetive multiplayer I think you are getting the gist of my ideas. region filtering should be part of all on-line multiplayer imo. for the reasons I listed in the first two paragraphs. imo 3431 should make all matchmaking in halo4 region filtered by default, then give the people who want to play in other region the option to remove the filter. well that is it for me. if this is put into halo4, I am 100% certain it would improve the on-line experience, and perhaps help keep a large community. now what do you guys think 343i could do to improve the hosting and server nomination on halo4...?? thanks for your replys
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