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Everything posted by Lickor

  1. preexisting maps. just throw em in idc what they are. and ya hemmorage needs to be reworked almost as much as pinnacle did. blue side is a major disadvantage not impossible to win but when matched up against actual competition its very tough to win on. unfortunately idk what they could really do to it. its made out of forge world so they would have to edit the actual forge world to add any tunnels or anything. which im going to say will not happen. im not sure what else they could do to fix the lopsidedness with the sides. i would love to play countdown or lockout snipers or really any of the community maps. also i think swordbase would be an interesting sniper map. i dont know the spawns too well since i play mostly snipes but the angles are interesting on it. uncaged: everyone picks everytime it comes up. like the map just play it every other game. hemmorage: unbalanced i only pick it when im red side. reflection: love it for snipes but no one picks it really. i have to ask ppl to pick it. powerhouse: ok map not the best but not bad. everyone seems to hate it and never pick it. breakpoint, tempest, and highlands: nice large snipe maps but no one has the map packs so they never even come up. atom: most people dislike it, i think its a fun spawn killing map. not my fav though. boardwalk: love it but when people quit it becomes the largest map in the universe. 7 maps is not a lot people. and yea i count breakpoint, tempest, and highlands as one map due to the lack of people who even have them. if i played ten games of snipers the maps would probably be as follows; uncaged boardwalk hemmorage uncaged reflection hemmorage boardwalk uncaged atom uncaged playing like that for a year makes me wanna scream.
  2. man that would be so embarrassing to get booted from a game from sucking too much lol. but ya it would def help. i cannot stand when there is one guy left and he just starts jumping off the map to piss people off on the other team. some people might not get that idea too much if they arent good enough to make people quit games lol.
  3. I want my spartan to hold a sniper and be like WHAT?!
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