Hey excellent group if you are looking for one. We are invasion Fanatics, look for us.
KD is not the main factor of this group, but rather loyal players who want to have fun as a group and not betray for weapons or vehicles.
Not looking for little kids so you will need to be at least 14 years old or older.
We have competitions for MS points and have both game nights with custom games as well as game nights for MM.
If you are looking for a group that you can play with on a regular basis to help out with weekly, daily challenges and a group of loyal guys that enjoy playing halo then look us up.
And obviously if you like invasion then this is defiantly a group for you as we play invasion together on a nightly basis.
We just clean out all non active members and are looking for more loyal and active players who are out to have fun and need other people who are cool to play with.
We have about 30 people in the group right now and most are very active on reach and the bungie forums as well.
My GT is nwfinfan, if you want to look me up.
click link below to go to our bungie home page and join or look me up on xbl.
Invasion Fanatics