Last night I was up from 11:30pm until 3:05 am and I think I may have made my best map to date. But now it needs testing. And that's were you, this amazing community come in. I will be trying to run custom games on this allot of the day, and some customs on my other 2 maps which need testing http://www.343indust...r-play-testers/ and perhaps a 3rd mini-game map which is in progress, so hit me up with a friend request
GT: X H3LL JUMPER X I will be testing these almost any time I can get a good custom game lobby which is fairly often, so lets get this thing running, (I am on GMT time and i have just cleared my friends list for all who are interested, or just want a good custom game from time too time.) You can either leave feed back below, message me on xbox live or depending on how rowdy the lobby is in game chat, party chat is an option but message me saying your have feedback other wise you likely to get kicked.
Thanks you for your time it is greatly appreciated. I Guess I should tell you a little about the map, it is a Infection map set inside parts of the pillar of autumn. But that is all you get to know for now, as the map has only been seen by 2 people, very exclusive.