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Posts posted by seymoure

  1. i just wish they made the mk V helmet not as bulky in the mouth area but other than that i think its going to be a good game for what iv'e seen of it. and the main thing i don't want to see at the start of the game is the master chief with equipment from reach unless he comes across some wreckage from before reach was glassed, he shouldn't start with any. that's the big problem i'm worried about

  2. its a great idea, but i would leave it so that you would forge depressions and whatnot in the terrain; keep it simple. i would just add in phantoms, possibly unsc forces, and hazards to it. drop pods, i think you forgot to mention. (and there respectable weapons of course). but overall great idea, i have heard it many times but like kurt said you described it in detail the best.

    i was thinking about talking about the drop pods but i did talk about the default wepons on the map so when in editor you can spawn stuff like the rocket launcher and the airstrike thing (i forgot the name of it) so you can add the drop pods or just have everything spawned inside your armory instead of it launched outside your fortress or inside if you dont have a roof

  3. i have been watching 343s videos of anniversary and you guys dont talk much about the forge and just a little about the firefight. but what if you put those two together making firefight forge!?

    now i know it might seem impossible to you 343 but i have some ideas about it and how it might be possible.


    now i dont know much about the entire makings of the games but just hear me out. when you first start p firefight on reach you notice a phantom comeing over a ridge that is somthing the gamer can do in forge you can make like a marker that shows where the phanome will stop and land. and with that marker is like a line or pathway the phantom takes to get to the destination and with this you can edit the direction it takes, how high it flys up,etc and you mentioned your putting marines in the firefight as well so im guessing there will be pelicans to drop them off. so with those markers there will be 2 different types: green for UNSC, and purple for covenant.


    and probably from the ODST firefight you can put the extra weapons or default weapons on the map and also spawn points (maby just the regular ones would do)


    now if people are thinking "how are you planning on making a fortress on a regular firefight map" well hears how- blank maps made specifically for forging. you can have diffrent blank map terrains wilderness, desert, arctic, forerunner, covenant, UNSC, maybe even flood. of coarse it wont be like a box blank map there can be a giant back round theme and you can deorate the playable part with your firefight theme. for example, if your making a wilderness map 343 can make a back round filled with trees, rock, maybe a waterfall. now you won't be able to make a waterfall thats way to extreme for the player but maby stuff like trees and rocks and of coarse you own giant base made by the building bungie gave you in forge world. and the player as i said before can place the markers the phantom/UNSC will go and the pathway it takes. and if this isn't so bad maybe inclines and declines on the terrain. you wouldn't want to play on a flat surface would you? maybe even terrain coloring so you can make a dirt pathway to your base, nothing that fancy like making flowers on the ground and all that you don't have to be that creative. other decoration objects could be stuff like dead marines,elites,brutes.grunts, etc; and adding bloodstains on the ground and walls will be a good mood setter.


    but like any forge map there has to be a spending unit on each object (to keep lag at minimum) i played firefight maps and only 2 or 3 phantoms come at you at a time so that can be a spending limit for those. ALSO (this just came to me) you might also be able to place where the hazards spawn- you know like the snipers on the ridge or the banshee that comes out of nowhere,so say you want a banshee to spawn over the ridge and rush down into your playable map, it will be just like the phantom idea- place a marker and select the pathway it can take. and there can be options for this marker like for the banshee if you want it to use the boost to head into the map you can go to the options menu on the marker and you can change it to boost or standard.


    Now then if your thinking "if i can choose where the enemy spawns at maybe i can make enemy defenses." well you might not be saying the but you can by adding a command setting for ground troopers.(it wont work for enemies getting dropped of by the phantom because it'll be to much work and time) just like the spawn point you can make a enemy spawn point, doing this you can have a command setting like: patrol, guard/stationary, sniping position,etc. for the patrol setting it will be just like the phantoms, by clicking and dragging you can plot the path the elite(for example) is going. Now say you want a group patrol not just one guy, well that's where halo wars comes in! if you played halo wars you know that when you make a unit like grunts, their in a group so they all go where you command so giving that option you can use that in the forge and choose how many grunts you want in that group. the stationary option is pretty self explanatory he just stays in the place he spawned unless you get near him or a sees you. the sniper option is basically the same but he will spawn with a sniper weapon (or any weapon you make him spawn with) and will always try to shoot you when he sees you. i also mentioned that you can be able to choose what the enemy spawns with well you can in the options for the selected target. for example, you can make an elite and choose if he has a energy sword, plasma rifle,etc, but they can only have certain weapons (have you seen a grunt with a gravity hammer?).


    and maybe a bit extreme on this so consider this as a optional setting. (if a 343 reads this far)

    WEATHER! being able to set the weather for the map is a very good mood setter so say you want rain the object for it could be like those FX on forge world, and you can choose the option on it if you want it light or heavy, and the thunders and lightning can vary on the settings too.


    well that is all i can think of (is your head dizzy with information?); so thank you for reading this and if you're a 343 please consider this and if you wouldnt have enough time to add this to anniversary before the launch date please consider putting this in halo 4. if you have any ideas yourself please comment on this and share your thoughts. i will continue to edit this when i get more ideas(even though now my topic is almost buried under other topics)


    thanks for reading my first forum topic!



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