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Allen W

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Everything posted by Allen W

  1. I have been a Halo fan since the beginning. i hated xbox when it first came out i thought it was garbage compared to playstation. then one day a friend brought his xbox and copy of Halo with him over. i played that game from the time i picked up the controller till the last pleading minute with him to leave it for a day or two so i could keep going with minimal sleep and maximum fun. i had to have an xbox and (more importantly) Halo after that. the last few Halo games have all had the good and the bad. there is no way to make everyone happy and i see that but i find the most frustrating for me and everyone i have talked to about all of the ones after CE has been ammo. if nothing else if you don't take any of the advice from this thread please listen to me on this. please give me my Halo CE ammo back! i'm begging you! i'm pleading with tears in my eyes hope in my heart, and a controller in my other hand playing Halo CE Anniversary with the infinite ammo skull on pwning elites on legendary with a vegeance! lol seriously though please give me back the ammo that has been lost in the last 10 years without taking away my accuracy. and i want the battle rifle to still have decent damage like in Halo 2 and Halo 3 but now with 432 rounds of ammo in backup for it cuz i am an ammo hog i love buckets and buckets of bullets so i can carry around my favorite weapon for as long as i want. i don't think it will ruin the difficulty of the game but everyone has their favorite gun but they can't keep it on them cuz they can't find ammo for it. also i know i'm getting picky here and this is the least of my worries it's just that last thing on the wish list you want but don't expect to get but i want the pistol from ODST but with the power and ammo capacity (if not a smidgin more capacity) of Halo CE. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GIVE ME AMMO 343 I AM BEGGING YOU WITH ALL THE BEGGING I CAN DO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll bring you guys doritos. lots and lots of doritos. every kind of doritos. and if some of the people on your team don't like doritos welll uhhhh... well those dudes are why i don't have ammo! you non dorito loving ********! .... ammo :2guns: :2guns:
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