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Everything posted by Tesseract

  1. I'm not worried at all. Although I would prefer to have a huge map like Forge World, we did just fine forging on smaller maps like Foundry and Sand Box. My only gripe so far is that they look a little cramped with all the spires and rocks. Who knows, these maps may be bigger than they seem once we actually explore them ourselves.
  2. I was thinking of utilizing the feature that allows certain areas to enable abilities, like camo or whatever. Say a map like Sword Base, where everyone would hide in the bottom tunnel. We can add the the area thing around the entrance so they turn invisible and won't be shot as often.
  3. Maybe rebuild a CS map or just free build and try to come up with something. Something involving explosions, vehicles, flips and death!
  4. Lol I don't mind them. It kind of helps me know if I got a headshot without having to move my eyes to the corner of the screen.
  5. Good Halo players can adapt to anything, not just one particular set of options. Bloom has never bothered me. I still play good with or without it.
  6. Who knows, not all of the weapons have been revealed. But I'm pretty confident it will be in.
  7. Pilot, Hayabusa, and Mark helmets.
  8. Just Google a Halo 4 image instead of watching videos. There are clear images and videos of the game... Hundreds of people played it. It has significantly better graphics than Reach
  9. Tesseract


    People will quit if they want too... Theres really nothing you can do except put ridiculous punishments. What if someone just has bad connection and lags out a couple games? I dont think he should be punished. People can just turn off the system if they are so desperate to leave. If there was somehow a mechanism to absolutely prevent someone from quitting, the person could just be a ****** and not play, allowing free kills for the other team, or just betray people. Point is, you cant force a guy to play a game he doesn't want to.
  10. Bungie definitely half-assed their maps. They took the original ones from campaign, and the rest are forged. I'm so glad 343 is making all their maps from scratch, engineered for multiplayer, unlike Reach.
  11. I loved Grifball Aztec in Halo 3. Grifball sucks in Reach, so does the gravity hammer.
  12. Legendary is the rank after Hero, and that's when you unlock the final Security Helmet attachment.
  13. I honestly don't mind it. It's not like anyone chooses Zombie Ghosts anyway. Even so, its Infection... "Built for noobs"? What's NOT noobish about Infection all together? It's just fun, that's all. The only thing that annoys me are the filters they add to some maps.
  14. A grenade will kill you if you're directly over it, but thats rare. I hate the grenades too. They always seem to bounce way further than I intended and plasmas seem to go through people. But bloom I can deal with.
  15. I just want the armour... I dont care about rank. I'm mad that you don't unlock anything in Field Martial or Hero ranks.
  16. Spike or Fire grenades, please. Firebomb was fun.
  17. So... you changed your gamertag on XBL, and you want to basically update your profile on this site?
  18. So what's going on because I never see it online.
  19. At least make another skin...
  20. I'm just trying to set up or join a large group of friendly people to play customs with. Anyone who's up for creative custom games that include unorthodox games with great maps, I'll be glad to join. Many people I used to play customs with moved on to other games or just don't sign on anymore... I miss playing custom games!! I like Infection, CTF and Slayer games, but any type is cool. I admit I don't have many custom gametypes, but that's why I'm looking for people that do! I do forge and have some maps that I would like to try out with many people. I've re-created some maps from Counter-Strike including fy_iceworld and aim_aztec. I also remade the "Three Level" Infection stage popular in Halo 3. Just to note, we don't always have to play Customs, matchmaking is fine too. But if we do that, I hope you're good. And not a quitter lol. Just send a request to Wasabimoto (pronounced "Wuh-sah-bee-moe-toe"). Or give me your gamertag and I'll add you.
  21. Me too! Halo 3 had the coolest maps for infection. The best game.
  22. Yeah, one of the helmets reminds me of Dead Space, lol. And all other armour look really look inhuman. Not something a Spartan would wear at least.
  23. I don't like the idea of infintie Sprint in matchmaking (Someone with a sword would be a real annoyance, as if they weren't enough in Reach.) The skins/armour look cool, but they are definitely outside the traditional Halo theme / style. Many of the helmets lack the good ol' orange visor and are replaced with weird visors. The armour (i.e Venator / Raptor) itself look like something that came out of some anime. Final conclusion is I approve of the armour and skins. I reserved mine at gamestop before the skins were announced, so I have to get the camo skin code. I'm sure all of the skins will be available to us eventually though, so no matter. My personal favorite one is the Oceanic / Circut skin. Wrap Around looks like a promising level that does keep that Halo look from the first three installments. Everything else looks pretty good. I really hope they improve ragdoll physics too.
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