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Everything posted by Jamesdh17

  1. Not exactly, it wasn't unplayable in H3 and it would be the exact same (no bloom in 3 either) so it shouldn't really matter. In all honesty i think i would prefer it because missing an overkill because of bloom is a bit stupid in my opinion, if you have the accuracy for 4 perfect head shots you should get it.
  2. I actually did that right after posting and went +8 with nothing but the pistol, my post was in regards to the TU changes under no bloom (since you know..... this is the TU topic.....) where the rapid fire does not reduce the accuracy of the bloom, your original post was replying to our topic of pistol being OP in zero bloom games so don't even say "i was talking about normal games" cause that's just stupid. I even said it in my post that i was talking about zb so your argument over missing due to rapid fire is simply not valid. In regular games sure your right, but that's the thing, the bloom was made so you couldn't do that but with zb it is easy to see why it's overpowered if someone has decent aim, and in regards to running out of ammo, well how many times are you going to get a killing spree with a pistol without picking up the other guys pistol ammo assuming he hasn't dropped it yet? but again, in normal games your right but that's not the argument here.
  3. Official troll right here guys, okay let me explain some things for you on that one. 1. It has a faster firing rate then DMR. 2. It takes LESS shots to kill people then the DMR. 3. It has less ammo because it takes less shots to kill, it's your own fault if you run out of ammo and get owned, means you missed around 5 shots or so. (not sure on actual clip size) So then.... what did we learn about the pistol? It kills people a lot faster then any other gun in the game aside from any one shot weapon. Yeah, totally agree with you, it still needs to be stronger......
  4. Okay two things real quick. 1. Oh wow, beat downs give the kill to the person who deserves it and a perfectly aimed shot actually hits perfectly (in zb anyway). I finally feel like I'm playing a halo game. 2. I think zero bloom is an entirely different game all on it's own and would love to see a dedicated playlist just for that, it's an amazing gametype and I honestly hope it becomes the primary settings for every playlist. EDIT: Okay so one small flaw with zb that i forgot to mention, pistol seems a bit OP with it's fast fire rate xD.
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