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iTz KeeFy

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Everything posted by iTz KeeFy

  1. You should get ready to "lose it" then. Cod and halo will always be compared against one another. Just because your tired of the comparison doesn't mean we should stop worrying about halo 4. You say we should just accept change if we are true fans but thats not the case. I think a "true" fan is entitled to be a bit skeptical about alll the new additions coming to our favorite gaming series EVER. Now if you dont see the comparisons between halo 4 and COD then it's because you dont want to see the truth. As much as I hate Cod games, I have to admit halo 4 is somewhat following aspects of COD. We have a rank system like COD, we unlock weapons like COD and I hear you will have an option to buy something like a perk where you can carry an extra.grenade and things like that. If your telling me halo 4 is NOTHING like COD then your in denial, maybe gameplay not so much but the small things are what makes the difference anyway. With all that said I am still looking forward to playing halo 4 and I will still be buying it.
  2. Thanks for the news but ill pass. Just buy a regular priced xbox. There is a reason they run "deals" like this, its because they make more money lol! And a 4 Gigabyte hard drive is hardly enough space, you could maybe have two saved games lol. You will end up paying over 400 bucks when it's alll said and done, so no thanks.
  3. Have the winners of the april giveaway been announced yet?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. One


      It's being sorted.

    3. FIREN4


      Well, it has been locked so I guess.

    4. iTz KeeFy

      iTz KeeFy

      Cool thanks. Congrats to the winners!

  4. Frank O'Conner said there were no plans for a halo 4 beta, which kinda sucks. I wanted to see how the game plays with all the new additions before I bought it but I guess thats not happening.
  5. I wasnt calling you out, sorry I meant just in general. Why did my post get deleted tho....... Edit: now.it just says B. Im confused
  6. O ok cool, thanks for the explanation. I personally dont understand cheating in a game but whatever floats their boat.
  7. So if I follow correctly your saying you can get banned for killing a team that decided to walk away from their controller mid game?? That is complete bs if that's the case. I figured it was just custom games like for example......say the dude signed in a couple guests and just killed them over and over in attempt to get credits. Maybe thats what your talking about, im confused lol.
  8. Im a 50. 5 star General to be exact. Love halo 3!
  9. I own trials hd and have played the demo to trials evolution. I love the games but im going to wait for the price to drop. 1200 microsoft points seems like a bit much to me.
  10. Yes, you can use a Usb drive but it must hold atleast 1 Gigabyte. Here is a tutorial ........ http://www.modhalo.n...ch-screenshots/ EDIT: just in case you have trouble here is another way to extract your screenshots... http://forums.bungie....pl?read=985838 Here I go again... So I took a bunch of screenshots for a Spherical Panorama in Reach, only to realize halfway through that the way Reach handles screenshots is different than the way Halo 3 and Halo 3: ODST did. With Halo 3 and ODST each screenshot you took would be uploaded to Bungie.net right after taking it, which made them immediately (almost) available. With Reach though, when you go into Theater and take screenshots, they just get saved to your harddrive and are uploaded to Bungie.net after you exit the film. This presented a problem for me. Since you can only have 30 recent screenshots on Bungie.net, and I took something like 130 screenshots for the panorama, I would be left uploading a lot of screenshots to my fileshare manually. Needless to say, I didn't want to do that...so I wrote a program. Knowing the structure of Xbox 360 files and how they store their information, I figured I'd be able to write a quick program to load in a bunch of files and extract out the JPG screenshot contained inside it. Bungie doesn't make it easy, not only are the screenshot files contained within an Xbox 360 format file (CON File), but they're also inside a Bungie format file as well, called a BLF file. That meant that I had to figure out where the BLF file started in the CON file, then figure out where the JPG picture started in the BLF file. Surprisingly, everything fit together quite nicely and 2 days later I have a working program. Please note that you will need a way to transfer content from your Xbox 360 harddrive to your computer to use this program. The Datel memory card reader would work, but be time consuming (moving all the screenshot files to the mem card individually). You can also use XSATA or XPort, or the official Microsoft Xbox 360 Harddrive Transfer Cable. And of course you can also take the harddrive apart and plug the SATA drive directly into your motherboard. After that just use the XPlorer or XPort 360 (recommended) software to read the harddrive on your computer. To get the files from your Xbox 360 harddrive (or memory card) to your computer, navigate into the Partition3/Content/ folder. Inside you should see some folders starting with E0, those are profile folders. You'll have to find out which one is yours, just go through until you see all the games you've played. The folders are named by the game's title id. For Halo 3 this is 4D5307E6, Halo 3: ODST is 4D530877 and the Halo Reach Beta is 4D53885C. Screenshots for Halo 3/ODST start with the word screenshot, for the Halo Reach Beta they start with the word shot. Copy those files to a folder on your computer to process them with my program. (see TODO at end) The first thing you'll see when you open up the program is a simple layout. A menu bar, status bar, and list: Click File > Open Single and you'll be presented with a single-select dialog, select your CON file and click Open: Since this is a single file, there's no use presenting you with all the information, so you're automatically prompted to save the file: Now click File > Batch and you'll be presented with a folder list, select a folder that contains multiple screenshot CON files: Now you get a pretty list. Depending on how many valid files are in the folder you chose, it might take a little while to build the list. This list of 20 files took less than a second, but reading my folder of 130 files took about 3 seconds. Not too bad: To save these just click Save > Save All: And select your destination folder. You now have the option to create a new folder as well: And finally, if you're batch processing and you have a list of files, you can double click one of the items in the list to get a quick preview of it: You'll probably notice that the Save > Save Selected item doesn't work. Like the message says, it proved a little complicated and I was itching to release, so I didn't spend too much time on it. It should be added in an update. Speaking of updates, I built an update feature into this program as well. Click More > Update and the program will check the server for updates, if one is available you will be notified with a message telling you your current version, the update version, and details about the update, with an option to download or ignore. If no update is available you'll also be told that. All in all, I think this is pretty neat. Sure it's only useful for a handful of people out there with the ability to transfer content from their Xbox 360 storage devices. In updates to the program I hope to add the ability to read directly from the Xbox 360 harddrive (or memory card), to save the step of copying the files from the harddrive to your computer. And after all that, don't think that I'm gonna forget to post a download link... Download: Halo Screenshot Extractor 1.2.0 And here are some files you can test out with this: Test files The examples file contains 3 folders named Halo3_tests, ODST_tests, and Reach_tests, each of which have 2 screenshots in them. You can test them individually and see how the program handles the batch mode, you can test them in single mode, or you can copy them all into a single folder and test batch processing files from different games all together. KNOWN BUGS: There is a bug that I know of and plan to fix in an update. When batch processing screenshots from different games together, the list will properly reflect the game that the shot is from, but when you save them the prefix of the file (e.g. reach_, halo3_, ...) will reflect the last item in the list. So if you're processing Halo 3 and Reach files together and a Reach file is the last item in the list, then all the saved files will start with reach_. I'm fixing it now and will post when you should update. Fixed in version 1.1.0! TODO: Add the ability to read directly from the Xbox 360 harddrive, eliminating the step of copying the files to your computer. Hope that helped
  11. I totally agree with everything you have said. Couldnt have said it any better myself. I really want halo 4 to be a success but I must admit I am a little bit worried about these totally new additions to the halo universe. Ill be playing halo 4 with a open mind to the new ideas so hopefully we all enjoy it.
  12. Im personally not upset with this. I think it will be more of a fair game if everyone is a spartan. I really hate shooting elites in the head only for them to keep running lol
  13. Bronson (2008)<-------------True Story as well
  14. I tried posting a few pics but I am having technical difficulties with my phone ha. I'll try again when i get around my computer later.
  15. very doubtful. Alll resources are most likely focused on halo 4.
  16. How would you commit marketplace theft anyway? Atleast they didnt ban your console ha.
  17. Have you ever thought maybe your just getting team shot? Three guys can pull the trigger once and your dead. I can almost guarantee they aren't cheating. They most likely are only shooting as a team, which would kill you much faster. If they are cheating by chance, they will be caught sooner or later.
  18. I totally agree. This DLC bs is ridiculous. They are manipulating the system and purposely leaving part of the game off of the final copy. This doesn't have anything to do with being unable to fit everything on the game disc. It's all about making that extra money just like everything else these days. What a JOKE! We should boycott DLC lol, otherwise it will continue. Microsoft could implement a "No DLC for first 3 months of the games release" or something simIlar but doubtful since microsoft is money hungry as well.
  19. Bungie stopped Halo 2 pc???? WTF, I have to google this to be sure. EDIT: I googled the hell out of it and found NOTHING saying Halo 2 pc has been shut down. Hopefully it hasn't.
  20. Yes, you should still be able to get it with no problem.
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