HI guys, Fail here.
When i started posting on 343 i didnt post an introduction thread, i didnt see the need to really. So instead i am making this post.
I am IU IF A II IL. Most people who can't be bothered to type that just call me U F A I L or Fail. so Anyways I'm 15 years old and live in England. i've been on 343 for just under a year now and i have read a lot of brilliant ideas for Halo 4 and all manner of other things. I have also had a fair share of my own ideas.
In my time here I have:
Never seen Twam in the Shout Box, learned that The Director is one of the smartest people i have ever come across, met plenty of moderators and got along with them most of the time.
I have posted or comented on 200 threads, 23 people have like my comments or threads, i have had zero warning posts (quite an acheivement for me ) and found that giving the right first impression to a new member can make a lot of difference.
I have "liked" the facebook page and have been given an award for being well spoken.
All this among alot more things i can't remember right at this moment.
I love being a part of this comunity simply because there are all manner of people here: smart ones, funny ones, ones that would be cool to hang out with, talkative ones and alot more.
Anyway, I hope the community is as kind to you as it has been as kind to me so far, and to any new people reading this, welcome and please enjoy your stay with us.