ECHO 2IC here, we are a mainly brittish clan with about 30-50 members (head counds are pretty much impossible because its very difficult to arange everyone to be on at once.)
We have been going since the beginning of reach and me and the leader are close friends, both ingame and in real life.
There is one thing that we dont do however and thats a ranking system, all members are equal with the exeption of 3, TaS x HeKTiKZz (clan leader), IU IF A II IL (Me, clan 2nd in command) and XxHypo TechxX (clan 3ic)
We are mainly bassed on reach and take part in casual gamming (dont fall maps, drive or die, teacher ect) and occationally clan battles between leaders or selected squad members.
I am pleased to say that we have a few alliances with clans that we have beated in clan matches and other clans founded by members that have, sadly, gone there seperate ways.
We would be please to have you join our "family" and I hope you take this offer into consideration.
If you would like to join, message my gamertag ( IU IF A II IL) or any of the other tags i have mention previosly in this post and i will arange a tryout.
The tryout consists of compleating a section of a "dont fall" map made by myself and compleated by all the top dogs of the clan, a stationary target sniper test, then a game of you choice with at least 2 of ECHOs respected members. you shall then be evaluated and told how you scored.