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Everything posted by Onegramrillo

  1. Your rank is just a participation award in reach. Your division placement in arena is the only thing that takes your skill into consideration.
  2. I play some MLG but mainly arena. When I find time to actually play, I want to play something that tracks my skill. If MLG were ranked I'm sure I would play it more than arena. Same goes for swat. GT: One Gram Rillo
  3. Jetpack should be removed from competitive play. Or just make it have about 1/4 the fuel...Halo Reach was catered to the noob. Oh and make MLG Ranked!
  4. Please incorporate some ratings and so man more people would play reach. Arena had 150 people on last night, is that not telling you guys something? Put ranking in mlg playlist please. Or hell any playlist.
  5. Jetpack should be for transportation around the map, not hovering and spamming. It's not halo.
  6. I wish they would reduce the time you can hover with jetpack. Also add some ranking systems!
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