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Everything posted by FIREN4

  1. What were you doing in Matchmaking, that'll give people more information. And when was your last match, what happened in there?
  2. Choice 2: My TV is small. I take the hard drive off my xbox every night and hide it just in case a robber breaks in and steals the xbox(lol), and I honestly only got $15. Hehe WYR lose everything important in your life or become Chuck Norris' sidekick.
  3. This happened to me once, but only once. Unfortunately my campaign progress didn't come back so I just did it the hard way and redid the entire campaign. But still, that was a long time ago, when I was a Major. I'm a Hero now though.
  4. You got that right, the firefight was epic
  5. I'm not disagreeing with you here, but won't a monthly update put a lot of burden on them?
  6. Their not really fans though, mostly stalkers. I've only seen about 12. 7 of which are just stalkers.
  7. Many people still play it, I hope you enjoy the new updates and stuff.
  8. You lose more for your rank, but I get what you mean, this IS surprising. Your welcome for the help.
  9. The thing is, I've gotten countless friend requests from admirers of my rank, armor, or If I was just totally epic in one game. And some people are seriously, to my surprise, "fans" of me. And I have no idea why.
  10. ODST's campaign is, almost my most favorite halo campaign ever. It started firefight and ODST was just a beyond epic game. Even though I was disappointed because it didn't have Matchmaking, I'm starting to realize not having matchmaking was a good thing for that game and it better suited it.
  11. First Choice, WYR not play Xbox for a month, or starve for 3 days until getting food or water.
  12. It's just Armor, my friend is a Reclaimer and ya'know what armor he has? He looks like a normal ODST soldier. He says armor doesn't matter anything to him. And to me, he has it going with that statement.
  13. I have 78 friends. I'll only remove them If they haven't been on for at least a month. Then I'll suspect they died. But if they're a very close friend, I'll still give them 2 months. Extremely rarely, also, I might go a year. Which I've only done once. And on that year too, a funny thing happened. Just as I was about to remove the person who was inactive for a year, The Xbox guide popped up saying they were online.
  14. I'm pretty decent in the banshee. But I specialize in jacking and somewhat, destroying them.
  15. FIREN4


    This would be awesome. I think the cool thing about ODST was being a normal foot soldier rather than a spartan
  16. I never knew this, thanks for this info. It was real interesting.
  17. Oh yes, ODST. It was, in fact, my first Halo game. It won my love for Halo and that's why I'm such a hardcore fan. It would make me incredibly joyful If they made a Halo 3: ODST 2. Or a different title like "Halo 4: ODST?"
  18. FIREN4


    I think you might be hacked, many people have found ways i've heard, and a message like this is actually one of the messages you get after you've been hacked. But, this is just me, ask a professional.
  19. I was just looking for old threads to post in, and I came across this again.
  20. Yup, Halo 3 should not be taken off, it has too much memories.
  21. 10/10, this is epic beyond proportion. I love the effects with the black and white and the spartan along with the symbol. Truly epic, never seen any signature better
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