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Everything posted by FIREN4

  1. He doesn't suck at all. He gave his honest opinion. If there's anyone who sucks, it's the guy who's making a big deal of it. *hint* I even doubted Nyan Cat at first. Now, who wants a cookie.
  2. Heh heh, that's my line. Actually, according to Sonic rules we're actually supposed to be enemies. Hmmm.....
  3. Okay, I think i get this stuff now. Not enough slots, too much work, and impossibility. Okay, thanks for this "knowledge".
  4. Lemme take a random guess..... Is it the word sometimes? P.S. I have no idea what this means. I just don't understand. Where is everybody getting these numbers from!? Argh!
  5. Not to "burst anyone's bubble" but wouldn't that be copyright? I mean, we already have Master Chief's armor in Duke Nukem Forever. Where the chief's armor was rudely insulted. For me personally, I think Halo's weaponry should stay where it is. Not in Left 4 Dead. Well, on second thought, nah. Maybe as an Easter Egg on one level maybe. They could allow enough to have Halo's Assault Rifle. Now maybe that'd be considerate. Well, this is just my opinion but...
  6. Oh, okay. I get it now, It would have to be re-bought or re-downloaded. Not a good thing I see. Edit: One more question til' I say goodbye to this thread. Instead of a re-download, why not update it?
  7. Yeah, at this point I don't really care anymore.
  8. I completed the campaign on Legendary today so, yeah. I still play.
  9. Real nice, I didn't suspect most of these shielding methods until now. I knew about the Plasma Rifle methods but not the Repeater. The warnings were helpful. I'll truly consider this when I go LASO. Although the last day for that in this week is today.
  10. I just wanna get on with Halo 4. Now, I only really play Halo 3 for the campaign.
  11. Real nice. I'm pretty good at drawing myself actually. Not as good as this though. I need to practice more, get the right drawing utensils. Anyways, REAL nice work Doll. I'm really impressed. Somewhat envious. Hey, maybe i'll start doing my own series too.
  12. Hey S416. Welcome to the awesome community of 343.
  13. Anyone notice how at the beginning it said the time was: around lunchtime....? lol
  14. OMG this is sooooo funny! lol, that's the coolest halo-related thing ever.
  15. My friend apparently has Bungie Pro for life. Because of a bug in Bungie's system when they were giving out their last orders.
  16. It doesn't really need one, but if they do, all I need is better graphics. Wait no, keep the graphics. I like it better actually now because it feels more classic.
  17. MyStats P.S. If I end up winning 1st place, pick someone else or work something out, because all I need is the 1600 microsoft points
  18. I say at 6 player campaign. Like how the max is 4 players? Increase it up to 6?
  19. Mine shows the armor I used 2 months ago. It still shows im a Field Marshall convieniantly though.
  20. On the sixth Day of Christmas 343 gave to me... . 6 Thousand credits 5 Golden Wraiths 4 Halo Games 3 Warthog Variants 2 Double Kills and a Forge planet with a new tree
  21. Hey, welcome. Looks like they're is two "sonics" around here. Hope you have fun. And before you do anything hasty dude, you can always rely on a certain member named AbsoluteDog!
  22. That's exactly what I think!! That's why she's never played a REAL game.
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