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Everything posted by FIREN4

  1. IT might bee Sierra.... Maybe....
  2. I never knew he left :/
  3. Hmph. At least there was a DLC Clearence Sale... http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/4054-halo-reach-dlc-sale/unread/
  4. Yeah i did, im still totally gonna buy it now!
  5. Hunter, i know you're smarter than that, you can afford to spell corrrectly. That's also why there's a "Edit" sign on the bottom of your post
  6. Hunter you would steal my phrase. Anyways i know Hunter, we live in the same State, town, whatever. He'd LOVE to play. :carcasism: GT: Hunterex12 TZ: Eastern U.S.
  7. I'm so proud of this thread. It's official, everybody, expect to see a sequel to this thread by 11/10/11
  8. Please bring back some type of machine like 343 Guilty Spark. Or even the Arbiter!!!
  9. I'll still get mine, i pre-order. But seriously, 6000? Why not 20? or 8?
  10. Why didn't you add me?! *feels left out* JK you don't have too... No really, don't.... Anyways welcome
  11. Or they could reverse it into something like beast mode
  12. Meh, i was just waiting for a clearence sale. That's why im only gonna buy it now....
  13. lol, that be funny.... not for the guy getting murdered though....
  14. San Andreas was awesome!! Can I get a "like" out there people! Wooooo! Go San Andreas
  15. Brutes and Grunts' overwhelmingly disgusting...
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