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Substandard IQ

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Everything posted by Substandard IQ

  1. Did any1 notice the last screenshot number 20, the Reticle and the BR were scrambled? I dont think thats a skin on the BR btw, just different lighting but idk
  2. I would have to say this makes since, i do this as well
  3. What an angry person, especially since u know very little about the concept. Twin is telling you exactly what i told you, its their goal in life to remain undetected, its not as simple as most people think
  4. Alright do you realize how hard it is to detect modded xboxes? its not so simple as o ya theres a certain code right there!!!! There are ingenious people behind modding and hacking and the people that know how also know how to avoid BEING DETECTED! I mod xboxes all the time from better disk drives, harddrives, LED mods, i dont do anything malicious like on XBL but i have done offline gamplay mods. And i know for a fact its easy to avoid being detected even if you have hardware and software mods. God dang kid i dont wanna be mean but plz next time actually know what your talking about before you say things. Also if that mod exists i doubt its "rampant on XBL", modders and hackers are a rare breed. You are probably just really unlucky or really bad
  5. infection pops up in the FFA playlist every blue moon lol
  6. i cant believe this, halo has been such a force for so long
  7. would love one, MLG is super competitive
  8. am i a terrible person for saying i really dont miss it at all? it was just kind of one of those background things that i never really cared about haha
  9. Ya ive never even noticed, its really not a big deal at all. just takes getting use to
  10. I think it will be great as long as the do the campaign justice, multiplayer is just a bonus for me
  11. Last resort was great but most likely wont come back unless its DLC, just because they said all maps will be original
  12. my opinion is its either forerunner or precurser, if you know what those are
  13. camo would be sick, u kno like snow camo, desert camo, regular camo
  14. Im not sure if they denied it or not, all i remember Frank saying in an interview a while back is that they are really busy and beta would put alot of strain on them. From what ive heard is its neither confirmed nor denied. But there are alot of sources so there might be one i missed
  15. Ive heard the BR has recoil to it? if so that might make me stick with the DMR. Can any1 confirm that it has recoil?
  16. I bet there will be new weapons. there are always new weapons in each Halo, but i bet it will just be a few because there are normally not an enormous amount of new weapons haha . Like halo Reach only had a few and Halo 3 only had a few, so did Halo 2
  17. It will probably never be released for the pc, microsoft wants Halo to sell alot of xboxs.
  18. Elites arent in multiplayer at all. Also they are rouge covenant so they are dirt poor and have different armor, less updated version
  19. O also Haunted Helm would be sick to have back!
  20. I also love Recon no matter how many times it appears
  21. bring back the KATANA and the HYABUSA helmet!!!
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