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Drone (3/19)



  1. When I tried to play the Co-op in Campaign it was awful, the worst yet, surely 343 must've not be paying attention to this hickup with this Lagging
  2. Yeah good game,except for the FFight map only ONE !! what the heck happened there at 343? I ask you????.
  3. why don't we go the whole hog and have a real big battle, as anything goes and make it go with a bang!!
  4. yeah it would a change, it's pity the firefight maps were'nt abit bigger so we could get the bikes in from Halo 3.
  5. I am legend, soon to be mythic, I am going on shoppin spree for more armour lol
  6. that's happened to me when my disc had scratches and needed to be cleaned. As i lost all of the data and i had to start all over again.
  7. you can count me in thats if you need any help.
  8. I too need all the firefight achievements,
  9. I was wondering what this ment "Warn status" ? as i don't see anyone else with it
  10. How about changing the credit system to a point system, As it seems to take ages to earn enough to get your rank to the next rank.
  11. how about some new firefight maps and new maps
  12. I thought when 343 were talking about the title update, I was going to a change in the TITLE of Halo reach and have their own title instead of Bungie,
  13. I asked the same question once, as one guy said" i was a troll and don't ask a stupid question." As on bungie everyone were making their own maps for MM. I said it was'nt a stupid question.
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