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MCPO Mayh3m

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Everything posted by MCPO Mayh3m

  1. Welcome to the forum!
  2. I was wondering when this topic was going to pop up. MLG will probably get a playlist update when CEA opens.
  3. I will help out as a random fill in actor/extra in any episodes you need. Gt is my username.
  4. Chicken or Turkey..... or SPAM?

    1. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      man thats a tough choice, i'd have to go with turkey

    2. Machinga
  5. Don't know if it's been said... when you join a forum that revolves around Halo.
  6. Welcome! Hope you enjoy it! It is a freaking awesome forum!
  7. No, I am your father. - Star Wars Episode 5: Empire Strikes Back We are an American Family. -You've got Mail
  8. That was a good game against Carolina. I believe the Panthers will be a contender in that division next year once Newton gets some good experience and another good wide out.
  9. Special tribute to all who make this forum awesome! You guys rock!
  10. I'm down to start out as an extra on the set. Maybe later be a voice actor.. I just need to be taught all the ins and outs. I am available on Fridays mainly. I do have a mic. I won't cuss btw. Only condition. My username is my gamer tag.
  11. I once heard KiNg oF Sn1p3rZ took out an army of 10,000... with just one sniper bullet.
  12. Potato or Mashed Potato's?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. SuperIntendant
    3. Twinreaper


      Both I want mashed potatoes smothered on top of my baked potato! I can haz?!?

    4. MCPO Mayh3m
  13. Close Range: Pistol > DMR Mid Range: Pistol = DMR (I think the DMR may slightly edge the Pistol though) Long Range: Pistol < DMR It all depends on what map you are playing on I would say. Using a pistol on Sanctuary (asylum) is more difficult to use than it would be if you used a pistol on Countdown. This is just my opinion though.
  14. What is your favorite poptart?

  15. I get dc'd as well, but I've not been banned for it. That really sucks though. Every time I do get dc'd and see the video, the results are identical to yours. Everyone else quit and I win.
  16. The pistol is quite powerful. If you hit your shots, I believe you can kill someone in 3-4 shots. From what I have played. (No bloom gametype)
  17. I say start from the beginning. That way you won't miss anything in the storyline, like I did by just playing AC II & Brotherhood.(well a little AC1) I ended up having to go read up on what I missed in the first game. I am really looking forward to Revelations. Looks like a solid game.
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